V6-P4: The final results and the threat ahead

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POV: Kiyotaka

The class had won the Paper Shuffle exam against class D.

At the moment, looking back, I can see both Kushida and Horikita being restless after the exam.

Again, no one got expelled in this exam, and both mentioned have been ready for their final confrontation.

The class did not promote or demote due to the gap of class points between the classes.

The class cheered out of celebration.

Horikita called both Kushida and me out with her.

I decided to tag along since there might be some useful information about Ryuuen when Kushida betrayed the class.

"So, I assumed that you won't do anything to harm the class anymore?" Horikita asked.

"I might have if I didn't get exposed. Even though we were in the same junior high, you don't really care about anyone back then. After a few considerations, I called it quit. My secrets had already been exposed, so it is useless if I try to do anything stupid." Answered Kushida. "I will not do anything against both of you anymore, so let us forget everything about the past events."

To be honest, if this is the real Kushida, she will not say these words to Horikita. I guess miracles do happen after all.

"Very well." Horikita replied with a nod. "I never have any intentions of spreading secrets. My dignity will not allow it. So I guess we should cooperate to reach class A?"

Again, another iconic demand from Horikita.

"Leave me out of this. My school life also got ruined because of the rumors. The class might hate me if I become careless." Kushida replied while walking past Horikita.

"At least our past relationship end and started with a new one. You should at least be grateful for that."

With that, Kushida walked away from our vision, only me and Horikita standing in the deserted hallway.

"What do you think?" I asked. "At least she doesn't have any benefits for betraying the class anymore."

"I still want all of us to reach class A when we graduate. At least, that was my goal." She replied. "And to be honest, I think Torikachi-kun involved a bit too much in this exam by changing Kushida-san alone."

"At least she redeemed herself at the end," I replied. "If he didn't interfere, Kushida would still want to expel you even you asked her not to. She's that stubborn."

Moments later, I received a message from Haruka inviting the Ayanokouji Group to the movies.

"Well, at least good luck being with your loner group, Ayanokouji-kun," Horikita said while leaving the hallway, leaving me alone.

After a few moments of silence, I spoke.

"Come out now, I know you are here."

A few seconds have pass, a figure approached me.

"Guess I couldn't hide anywhere from you huh...?" He replied. "Welp, I guess they didn't call you the masterpiece for nothing."

"Get to the point, Torikachi. What is it that you wanted to talk about?" I asked since I have to go to the mall soon.

"Relax. It's not a big deal, but there's something that had been bugging me for a while. Not related to the class or your problem, but I might get more uneasy in the near future. So I might need your help when the time comes." He said from his gut feelings.

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