V11.5-P1: For Everything Happened (Short Chapter)

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POV: Ichinose Honami

It is the end of our school year, class 1-B, my initial class placement at the start of the year, suffered a major loss from the Event Selection Exam against class D.

I was confident about us reaching class A at the start, but it seems like I'm too naive to handle the former class D's tactics.

Now, the class had dropped down to class C which will create somewhat of a rebellion in my class...

I am scared... I do not know what to do... Will this be the end for me...?

I am currently standing in the middle of the rain, wetting myself because I am feeling down, once again.

Last time, it was Ayanokouji-kun who saved me from the rumors...

I wonder if he's going to do it again...

"Ichinose, what are you doing here?"

That voice... sounded so warm...

So comfortable and familiar...

"A-Ayanokouji-kun...?" I asked while shaking under the rain. "W-what are you doing here...?"

POV: Kiyotaka

"W-what are you doing here...?" asked Ichinose while soaking wet under the rain.

She did not answer my question beforehand while standing there, isolated from everyone.

Ryuuen's tactic against her class was too much for her to handle alone, as the sole leader of the former class B.

As much as her class had suffered the same fate as her, she was the one who had to bear them all.

"What are you doing here, Ichinose?" I asked.

"Ah... nothing." She responded while her eyes locked on the cloudy sky. "I just wanted to get myself refreshed for some time. I wanted some time alone."



(Yeah y'all already knew where this is going. Don't expect much from me as I haven't read Vol 10 onward.)

POV: Torikachi

'What a rainy day...' I thought as I locked my gaze on the rainy bits splashed through the window.

I would have practiced some more piano, but it seemed like not at the moment.

Moreover, today is the day that Kiyotaka probably went outside to get Ichinose in.

Now that I thought about it, I could not understand his motives in the light novel.

He slightly changed for the better, that was for sure.

He could smile naturally now, as a normal human being.

'He sure is a lucky guy, isn't he...?' I thought as I heard a knock from the other side of the door.

I did not remember inviting someone to come into my room, but I would go out and hear what will happen if I don't open the door.

As I reached the door, a familiar voice reached my ears, many years ago ever since I heard this voice.

"Torikachi Kizutsu." said the voice of the man that I was familiar with. "Trouble is coming for you. Be prepared."

After that, there was nothing but silence.

Even though I was unsure about what that man told me, it seemed like my guts were true and I will be living in agony.

I remembered this school does not allow any outsiders to set their foot in this school, except for those with the authority to access this school by simply setting their foot in.

The same case went for Kiyotaka's father.

This might be a message from that orphanage I left many years ago. Might be someone familiar with my existence.

This means that this should be from her message...

As I would be fully aware of my current situation once I interfered in this world, there will be consequences.

And next school year will be my 'punishment'.

However, I should not worry about it, as I had complete my task in this school:

To make Kiyotaka feel emotions, and to grow as a human being.

I am fully aware that he might consider himself a monster, but I already helped him grow.

And that's all it matters.

Anyway, this might be the end of the day for me, as the rain kept on pouring down.

POV: ???

Somewhere, in an isolated room, where there are only two teenagers, setting themselves up with the signature uniform from ANHS.

"Are you sure, that we are going to get them?" asked the girl, who was seemingly worried about their future.

"Look. We are going to be fine, Nanase-chan." asked the other girl, who sounded rather confident about their so-called "plan" in operation.

"I..." replied the girl named Nanase, but stopped by the girl in front of her by putting her finger onto her lips.

"Now, now..." said the girl with a playful tone. "Aren't you supposed to take revenge on your great friend, Nanase-chan?"

"Ughh... fine... at least help me take care of him also."

"You may wish for it as much as you like, Nanase-chan~"

She said as she began to leave the place, for the other one though.

"I am hoping to see you in the next two weeks,





We meet again.

I mean, the first part of Vol 11.5 was all about Ichinose and Kiyo's talk to see each other next year, and I'm sure y'all read that convo.

A-Anyway, next chapter will be Kiyopon's greatest growth as a human being, and of course, I know y'all would.

After that, there will be 1 SS and I would proceed to write the 2nd year.

Hope y'all enjoy my writing in the Y1 series, it's been a good time for me at least, even though my writing style faded over time.

But hey, at least most of Y2 will be OCC, so I get to write anything I wanted.

Heck yeah.

It is time for me to write in a creative way without forcing myself to stick to the plot (mostly I would try to stick with the special exams and events as such in the light novel, but everything twisted.

See y'all next chaptie


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