SS10: The White Room Troubles

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POV: ???

"WHAT IS THIS?" I shout at the employees as they shake when they look at me.

"S-Sir! There are reports of the White Room's operation system that had been leaked to the government. We do not know how or where they obtained the information."

"Then how could they leak the information?" I asked.

"We have no information about it whatsoever sir."


My masterpiece of this place disobeyed my orders to run away to that cram school, and the White Room's information has been leaked. I do not know how or why they got it, I remembered that those who visited this place had their devices retained during their visit.

But how?

"Matsuo...?" I murmured that damn butler's name, who disobeyed me and called my masterpiece to go to that cram school instead of continuing training in the White Room.

No. He's already dead, how could he submit the information?

"Tsukishiro," I called one of my trustworthy people to continue this place when I got imprisoned.

"Yes, sir?" He replied immediately.

"As a founder of the facility, I promote you to be the sub-leader of the White Room, and your first mission is to bring Kiyotaka back to this place when I drop Sakayanagi down. You only have one chance this time. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir." He replied. "As a substitute leader of this facility, I will not fail you, Sir."

"One more thing, if you managed to replace Sakayanagi, bring two of the Fifth Generation Students with you when that school starts their next year. We will make the masterpiece to drop out from that school."

"Yes, Sir. Your wish is my command." He replied.

Sigh... I guess this might be the end of my career in this pathetic world, huh...

I guess I could pay him a visit before I go to jail. I am his 'father' after all.


Yep. Y'all guess it, it's a SS.

To be honest, I'm really sorry for not releasing any chapters for a while since I'm stuck with my college.

And as many problems arise, I also have my personal problems.

No no, not putting this on Hiatus or Discontinued.

I won't be updating at frequently as before, and I'm slowly running out of ideas for upcoming chapters.

So yeah, suck to say, but I will try my best to write this fanfic for y'all. Hope y'all like this fanfic and thank you for all the supports and votes along the way of me writing this series.

Anyway, hope y'all have a good life and expect the next chapters to come up within a few weeks.


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