V6-P3: Moments before executions

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POV: Torikachi

"Well, I guess I could say that we are dating now." I reply with full honesty. "And if you wanted to tell me to break up with her, then it's a no-go. You have no rights to control over my life."

"Do you understand the weight of your situation, Torikachi?" She asks. "It might be acceptable for me if you date one of the girls in our class, but you straight up dating with an A-class member. Break up with her now."

"Denied. I already accepted her confession. Since I wanted a school life, not a training program." I reply. "You should note that I don't have any intentions to reach class A, nor do I have the desire to follow every single bit of your orders, so I will do things my own way."

"Let's go, Ryuko. I'm sorry for this inconvenience." I continue speaking with my current girlfriend. "I'm sorry that you have to witness such an event in front of your eyes."

"It's nothing, Tori..." She replies while putting her hands on her cheeks. "I'm just happy that you are willing to fight back your class leader just because of me..."

"Well, yeah..." I reply. "I guess we should not involve our feelings into class matters. It's a shame that we are not in the same class."

"I have the same feeling as you do, Tori." Ryuko replies. "However, it was quite unexpected from you on that day, Tori... I'm speechless about your mind. But, if you have any problems, please talk to me... I don't want my boyfriend being miserable..."

She speaks as she is on the verge of tears, reminding her about that day she confessed to me.

"It's okay now, Ryuko," I reply. "Everything will be fine for me now. At least I hope so."

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"I mean, it's uncertain for me if I have to do 'it' again or not. My mental state is very unstable, so..."

"No... don't you ever do that again... it hurts me when someone I care for happens to do 'it' again..." Ryuko cuts off me while her tears slide down to her cheeks. "So, please... if you are not okay, come talk to me... I can help you..."


As she finishes her speech, I use my hand to hold her chin, while my other hand.

I begin to look at her, menacingly, hoping her to realize that I might need her help in the future.

"I guess I have to do it..." I murmur. "It will be a shame for me if my girlfriend cries in front of me. Sure, I could talk to you whenever I could."

"I-I'm glad that you did not die from all the things that happened to you... I..." as Ryuko continues to speak, I start to hug her to cut her off.

"We should not talk about this anymore, Ryuko," I say. "The important thing here is we are here now. You are here with me, and I am here with you."


As I realize that I am hugging her too long in the hallway, I immediately release her from my arms.

"Oops... Sorry." I said.

I could not help myself but be embarrassed by my actions just now.

"N-no no, Tori. I'm sorry." Ryuko denies my apology while denying herself that she liked it.

"Alright. Since it's getting late, we should get back to the dorms, but would you like to eat something before that?" I initiate an invitation.

"W-well... if you don't mind, I want to go to Pallet Cafe before we head back."

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