V1Y2-P2: Settlements and Confrontation

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POV: Torikachi

Another night had passed, but I feel like it has been more than a week after such a confrontation with my "sister". I did not expect her to settle the confrontation so soon, even if it is right after the partner exam announcement. Now I just need to hope for the event not to get leaked to other classes, or things will be more troublesome for me in the future.
It could be my existence inside this world of You-zitsu that some events in the story changed, or having extra steps because of my interference in this world.

Now, with everything somewhat has been settled in stone, I will act accordingly to the plan that Kiyotaka and I made the moment they announce the exam.

For the most part, it was me who made up the counter-act against his bounty, as Nagumo already made it in the video recording I bought from the school's faculty floor a few days ago.
However, this happened to have a voice recorder, a better version than the previous camera, which happened to not have such a system implanted before the renovation of the student council last summer. I now have the option to expel Nagumo right now, since he has nothing more than a disturbance in the original plot.

My knowledge of this world is currently getting on the limited side, as I only knew what happened until Volume 5 Second year, so the rest is unknown to me.

The future after that is unknown, and even that, there is nothing guaranteeing me being safe inside this school for long.

So, by the time I still made my existence in this school, I will make all usages out of every resource I have, even if I might put myself at risk of expulsion.

Next morning...

I am feeling awkward today, and I happened to not take it to my liking.

Today is supposed to be a peaceful Sunday, where students would go in and out from their dorms to Pallet Cafe or the Keyaki Mall. At least that was what I was expecting it to be.

Even I happened to have a date with my girlfriend, Nishikawa Ryuko, as she asked me to go after she accidentally noticed my mood dropped drastically yesterday.


"Ahh... So you happened to be Onii-sama's girlfriend...?" Asked a feminine voice that is not supposed to be ringing into my ears like wildfire at this moment.

"O...Onii-sama...?" Ryuko stuttered while wearing a shocked expression, gazing upon me and the girl simultaneously. "Tori... what is happening? Why is she talking nonsense...?"

My girlfriend's cute expression made me forget about all the worries I had yesterday, as I needed to calm her down and explain to her our current situation.

"Ryuko, this... is my younger sister..." I explained to her slowly as I made my attempt to not utterly confirm our relationship while facepalming.

"I thought you're an orphan?" Asked Ryuko, as I told her the fact before we begin stepping into our relationship.

"Ahh... so you have not told her everything yet, Onii-sama?" Asked the sister that I did not want to acknowledge. "I guess I have to explain to you..."

Shizu stepped closer to Ryuko, as the atmosphere around us change drastically.

"The truth is... he was left abandoned by them. I was told to not dive into the matter any further."

"Then... why? Why would they do that to their own child?" Asked Ryuko, who happened to be on the verge of tears falling down her cheeks, but I reassured her by tapping on her shoulders.
"It's fine. I no longer hold the grudges upon them." I told her. "There is no need for you to deep into this further."

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