Ch 4. Fight At The Airport

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After we got our equipment, we left the base and got to Germany. We arrive at the 6th level of a parking garage at a German airport. Before we arrived though, we had a detour. According to Pietro, he had to pick up a new 'teammate'. Afterwards, Pietro inform us what happened.

We see Steve driving into a parking lot next to us. We stand next to our grey van while Steve, Sam and a man with long brown hair who I can only guess is Steve best friend, Bucky, gets out of his car.

"Late." I say with a smirk.

"Can it Y/N." Steve orders me. "Thank you for the help, Pietro."

Pietro chuckles. "It was fun to work with a bomb. Hope to do it again someday." 

"It was time to get off my ass." Wanda says walking towards Steve.

"How about our other recruit?" Steve asks.

"Despite the jet lag, he's ready to go." Pietro answers. He opens a van and our newest member, Scott, wakes up.

"What time zone is this?" He asks while looking tired.

"The time zone where you need to wake up." I say with a smirk, looking at Scott.

Scott stands up and move towards Steve. He shakes his hand with an amazed face. "Captain America."

"Mr. Lang."

"It's an honor. I'm shaking your hand too long. Wow! This is awesome! Captain America." He looks at Wanda, Pietro and me. "I know you, too. You're great! I'm surprised that Tony Stark's son is here." He turns back and feels Steve's shoulders. "Jeez. Ah, look, I wanna say, I know you know a lot of super people, so... thinks for thanking of me." He looks at Sam. "Hey, man!"

"What's up, Tic Tac?"

"Uh, good to see you. Look, what happened last time when I..."

"It was a great audition, but it'll... it'll never happen again." Sam responds.

I look confuse at Sam. "What happened?"


"They tell you what we're up against?" Steve asks Scott.

"Something about some... psycho-assassins?"

"We're outside the law on this one. So, if you come with us, you're a wanted man." Steve says to Scott.

"Yeah, well, what else is new?"

"We should get moving." Bucky says.

Pietro looks up to the sky. "There's a chopper."

"They're evacuating the airport." Bucky says.

"Stark." Me and Sam say in unison.

"Stark?" Scott looks confuse at us.

Steve looks at us. "Suit up."


Me, Pietro and Wanda are currently at our spot. Steve is wearing his uniform and strides through an underpass, then jogs onto a private runway, heading for a grounded chopper. An electro-disabler slams onto the chopper and Steve looks up. Iron Man and War Machine decent. They're talking to him and thanks to the radio. I take my gun and look into the scope, looking at my dad, Rhodey and Steve.

"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?" My dad says in a mocking voice.

"Definitely weird." Rhodey responds.

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