Ch 22. A Way Back To Time

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Pietro P.O.V

We decided to take a break. We're all still in the hanger, sitting around a table nearby. All except Steve, but soon he walks in the room, as well as somebody we didn't expect to come.

"Dad?" Y/N stands up and run towards Stark. "You changed your mind?" He gives his dad a smirk.

"I sure did kiddo." Stark responds. "I have an idea for fixing the quantum realm problem."

"About that, we changed the plan." Y/N looks smugly. Steve looks curious at him, as well as his dad. "Remember how me and Pietro traveled through time? We're going to shrink us, so Pietro can carry us. He then uses his speed to travel through time. Pretty smart, eh?"

Tony chuckles. "That sounds a lot easier than my idea. Let's do that instead."

"Did you thought of it?" Steve asks Y/N.

Y/N looks at Steve. "Yeah."

Scott sighs. I look at him. He merely looks tired at me. "Your boyfriend annoys me to no end."

Stark, Steve and Y/N join up with the rest of us. "Alright, we figure out how to go back in time." Steve begins speaking, looking around us with a determent face. "Right now, we have eight people, however having more people would benefit us. Any thoughts?"

"We can ask the guardians." Vision responds. "The only people left from their team is Rocket and Nebula, however I'm confident they went their teammates back."

"We should also ask Thor." Bruce adds. "I know it's a long time when we saw him, but like the guardians, I'm sure he feels motivated to join our cause."

"That's three more." Steve responds. He looks around. "Anymore?"

"How about Clint?" I suggest.

Stark looks at me confuse. "Barton?"

Y/N looks at me. "Shit, I forgot to tell him."

I look at Stark. "During our travel, we went back during the battle of Sokovia, and Clint grabbed my arm when I wanted to travel through time." I explain.

Stark looks shocked. "He's alive!?"

"Still dead in this world, but this Clint is from another world basically." Y/N points out.

Tony nods, now understanding the situation. We look back at Steve. "Alright, that's twelve people. Is there anybody we're forgotten?"

Stark looks at Steve. "How about that one woman?"

Steve looks confuse back at him. "Who?"

Tony is thinking. "Y'know, that one girl. The blonde one?" He doesn't even sound sure of who he's talking about.

"Do you even know her name?" I ask him.

"Nope, I forgot." He responds.

"If you forgot, then she isn't important." Y/N responds.

Tony looks at his son. "Yeah, I guess that's true."

Everybody looks at Steve. He begins to give orders. "Vision, give a message to the guardians. Inform them about our plan. Bruce, you're going to visit Thor. I'm sure he's still in New Asgard."

"I think it's better if somebody comes with me, just in case." Bruce responds. "I know he's friends with Rocket. I think it's best when he and Nebula are here, we visit Thor."

"Alright." Steve agrees with Bruce. "Natasha, can you convince Clint to join us?"

"Yes, I can." She answers.

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