Ch 11. The Demon World

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I slowly open my eyes. I only see a fading image of some people. After some seconds, I can see more clearly, but still bad.

"Y/N... Y/N can you hear me?" I hear an echo.

I see a man above my head. Slowly my vision returns, and I see someone familiar. "P-Pietro...?" I say quietly.

"Yeah, it's me." Pietro gives a kind smirk. He moves his finger above my eyes. "How clearly can you see my finger."

I look at his finger. It's clearly, I'm dizzy since I see multiple fingers. "Not... clearly..."

"Shit." He says. "I don't have any water to help you... wait, I have an idea!" He then spit on my face.

I look at him disgusted and stand up. "What the fuck Pietro! Why did you spit on my face-" I slowly stop talking to see my surroundings. We stand on a hill with withered plants all around. There are multiple rocks on it. Dark clouds are in the bloody red sky. Around the mountain I can see the badlands, and in the distance, I see a big shadow howling. I also see my teammates looking at me curiously. "Is this the demon realm?"

Wanda walks up to me. "Your sister locked us up here."

My eyes went wide. "W-what!? How did she do that!?"

"You never went here?" Sam asks.


"Does that mean we're stuck here?" Nat asks.

I stay quietly, thinking what to say. "Possibly."

Everybody looks disappointed. Some soon becomes worried. "Well, we can't stay here. The demons are going to attacking us." Steve says.

"Then where do we go Cap?" Sam looks at him.

He just stays quiet, not knowing how to answer. "I have no idea."

Sam returns his look at the ground, looking annoyed. "Damnit."

I also look frustrated. I walk around in circles, thinking about a solution. "Do you have a plan Y/N?"

I hum, thinking for a solution. "Would be nice to have a plan Y/N." Sam comments. He looks of the hill. "I think some... creepy demons are coming towards us."

I continue to walk around. I suddenly realize something. I search my pockets and find the paper and read it to myself. "Mystletainn, the demon sword. Found in the demon world and is said to connect the human world and the demon world. That's it!"

"You have an idea?" Pietro asks.

"Yeah, there is a sword in this realm called Mystletainn. When we find it, we can go back to our world." I explain.

"Then where is the sword?" Nat asks.

"Umm..." I look back at the piece of paper and continue to read. "It says the former owner lived in the 'bloody palace'." I look back at Nat. "Well, let's go to the castle."

"Where is it?" Steve asks.

I again look back at the paper. "No... no, there is nothing saying about where the palace is." I look back at Steve. "It's a palace. How hard is to find a palace in the badlands."

He looks around the area. "Well, I don't see it."

"Then we search it." I say. I see a path going down the hill. "Let's go." I walk towards the path, and I notice someone that I recognize someone, but without his suit. I look at him confuse. "Aren't you... Scoot?"

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