Southern Desert District

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The Southern Desert District is the Leaf Province section of the desert. The borders are less well defined, since most LeafWings live on the eastern side of Pyrrhia's mountain range. A generally accepted definition of the eastern border is everything until Jade Mountain's western borders are Southern Desert District.

The vast majority of dragons here live in the Scorpion Den, a place rife with crime and violence. Although it was extremely population dense before the invasion, many dragons moved in from the SandWing Stronghold to escape any Invaders. The villages in the Southern District are very similar to before the Invasion, and some are even unaware of it.

Reactions to the Invasion were either slight dread or apathy, usually both. The dragons who were slightly scared are dragons from the Scorpion Den, and other communities large enough to be acknowledged by the Invaders. The Invaders do not care much about the Scorpion Den, especially LeafWings. The apathetic dragons came from small villages who could keep living their normal lives, meaning they aren't subjugated in the same way other Pyrrhians are.

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