Underground Possibility

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Aboveground Possibility is dilapidated, to say the least. The buildings are collapsed and grimey, the streets ruined with dried blood and rotting dragon parts. One might find that on a few of the body parts, little arrows are etched on their scales. It leads to a well in an especially ugly part of town, and when one swims down enough, a dragonhole is found. It leads to the grand and unfathomably crowded Underground Possibility. Most live in holes in the walls, but those lucky enough to be part of the Enclave have simple, if not a little dirty, dorm rooms.

Most dragons in Underground Possibility live in the cave that is underneath the dragonhole, on account of the fact that it was designed as a gigantic rest stop. Most Enclave members are important members of the government, meaning they are located in the ends of the tunnels, where they are placed very far apart. A few select dragons still live in Aboveground Possibility, either because they don't like tunnels, or they think that the Invaders aren't a big threat.

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