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Chroma is a scenic place with waterfalls, some beaches around the coast, and the like. The LeafWings living here have kept with the rainforest aesthetic in making RainWing-style huts, only much bigger and more elaborate. RainWings working for the Rainforest Opera live in the Healer's Pavillion and Dragonet Wingery, as they thought it would foster a sense of nostalgia, and therefore, happiness. The LeafWings here usually ignore NightWings, since they see them as potential servants.

Chroma isn't as much a town as a community of rich LeafWings. There are exactly 106 LeafWings living here currently, and many more plan to move here. Chroma is around the old RainWing village, and the Royal Pavilion is being renovated and turned into the Rainforest Chromatic Theatre.

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