•|Chapter 4|•

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"Hey!" His girlfriend smiled at me.

"Hello" I smiled back at her. I had to.

"How about you come to my home at 5 at today?" she spoke as I nodded.

"Great! I'll text you my address!" She spoke happily as I nodded and smiled at her as well.

"Baby!" He spoke loudly wanting her to quickly run to him.

He didn't say anything to me. Just like always. He ignored my existence.

"I'm coming babe!" She yelled back, "I'll see you soon then!" she smiled cheerfully and walked off.

I don't blame him.

She's really cute, charming and pretty.

Who would want to even talk to a dull person like me?

But I still can not help but to wish you were mine.



I hope you're liking the story!

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