•|Chapter 5|•

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"I had fun, y/n. I must say you're quite intelligent. Our project will be completed quickly." She smiled at me as I faked a smile at her

I didn't hate her. I couldn't.

She was the love of my love. I needed to respect her.

"Thank you. You're very smart as well. I couldn't have done it alone." I spoke as she smiled sweetly at me.

"we're friends now aren't w-"

She stopped talking as the door bell rang making me to smile at her.

"Give me a minute." I spoke as she nodded her head, taking out her phone.

Walking toward the main door, I opened it as my eyes quickly went wide.

Hoseok was standing in front of me with a smile and a bouquet of red roses.

I felt my heart thumping against my chest as a wide smile took place on my lips.

Though my heart dropped as soon as I heard his words.

"Oh hi um....? Is my girlfriend inside. She said she would be here. I came to pick her up for our date"

Of course. He is here for her.

He doesn't even know my name.

"Y/n?" I heard his girlfriend as she walked out of my room and gasped as she saw Hoseok.

"Babyyy. I missed you" She giggled running to his arms as he caught her making me to look away from them.

"I missed you too, my love." He giggled as she smiled, pulling back and turning to me.

"See you later y/n. I'm gonna go now. Take care." She spoke so lovingly as I almost teared up.

"O-of course. Take care. Have fun at the date." I wished them as I felt a familiar ache in my heart.

He doesn't even know my name.



Sup! <3

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