•|Chapter 14|•

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I walk through the hall, running away from people and their looks.

Everyone saw the video of me pathetically confessing to you.

I saw you sitting in an empty class room with your friends. You were having your time after humiliating me.

How could you do this to me?

"Hoseok" I called your name as your friends looked at me before you turned around.

"Oh y/n...?" You spoke. You looked so happy before, why were you showing pity to me now?

"why did do that to me? Even if you dont think of me as a friend now, I thought you considered me as friend before?" I spoke, slamming my hand on my bench as you stood up in shock but I was too hurt to think about something else.

"Yes I did like you! But I never bothered you with my feelings! What was my fault? I had been liking you since the past three years, but I never ever tried to annoy you even when we were friends, I always placed my feelings aside. Then what was the need to humiliate me in front of the whole school like this?"

"are you liking it? When everyone is passing me a judgemental look? I didn't know you were this low Hoseok! How could I like someone you? You're disgusting!" I spoke before turning around and harshly wiping away my tears.

I didn't know from where I got all this courage but I had it.

So I ran straight out of the school. I didn't look back at the students who were looking at me as if I was a creep.

Maybe I did look like a creep. But I didn't care. I was beyond hurt by your action. But look how stupid I am.

I still can't hate you.




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