•|Chapter 29|•

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"I'm so tired. Can I get a hug?" jimin said as he walked out of the shower.

Yeah he stays over night sometimes but I don't mind. He never does something to offend me.

"Of course jimin ah" I giggled before throwing myself on him but he caught me quickly.

"Easy, there, buddy. We could have fallen down" He said as I smirked at him.

"I trust you. You wouldn't let us fall" I said as he laughed, walking toward the bed with me in his arms.

"right, I wouldn't let that happen." He said as I pecked his lips.

"Jimin ah" I said as he took his seat on the bed making me settle on his lap.

"Yes Princess" he said as I blushed before biting my lower lip nervously, "What is it sweetheart?" He caress my cheek as I smiled at him.

"I like you" I said as he blinked his eyes.

"You.. Sorry You what? You like me?" He said as I nodded my head holding his hand in mine as I intertwined our fingers.

"I do, jimin. I really like you. Like really really like you..." I said as he hugged me tightly.

"Thank you so much, baby. I promise I'll love you always. You're the best that has ever happened to me." he said making me smile as he pecked my head, placing me down on the bed and hugging my body tightly close to him but I don't mind because I want him just as much as he wants me.

Jimin is one of the sweetest guy I have ever met. And I'm glad to have him.

I'm ready to walk a long journey with him.




So I've decided that there will be epilogues but it'll be a Hoseok POV and Author POVs.

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