•|Chapter 15|•

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"y/n?" I saw your best friend, Namjoon, in the park.

I didn't want to face any of you so I tried to run away from him, but he held my wrist before I could.

"Why are you upset with me? I didn't do anything" He spoke making me sigh. I knew he was right.

I stopped struggling and sighed, taking a seat on bench as he sat beside me.

"how are you?" he asked me.

"I don't know" I didn't see any point in lying. He could see me. And he could see right through me. I could feel it.

He nodded his head, moving his gaze at the sky.

"Maybe you don't know now. But I'm sure everything will be clear and good in the future" He said softly.

A sigh left my mouth as I felt my head spinning for a second as I quickly tighten my grip on the bench.

"Are you okay?" He questioned when he noticed my movements.

Closing my eyes, I nodded my head but he knew better. So he gave me water.

Soon enough after sometime I calm down as he smiled gently.

"I'll be going now. You should head home and rest as well." He spoke making me nod.

"oh and y/n", he suddenly turned around and looked at me once again making me look back at him.

"Don't hold onto things that gives you nothing but pain in return. It's ok to let go. New opportunity comes when changes are accepted. I hope you get what I mean" He smiled and walked away right after saying that.

I didn't know what to say to him.

- 25.06.22


Joonie joonie namjooniiieeeee

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