•|Chapter 24|•

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"I... I wanted to talk to you even on our graduation day. But I couldn't find you anywhere... It's been five years already..." I heard as I sighed.

"I know. I had to leave quickly that time. Sorry for just vanishing... I should have told you knowing we were friends." I apologized.

"You should have. But it's okay, I forgive you. How are you anyways?" he asked me as I smiled.

"I'm good, Jimin. How are you?" I asked him.

"I've been holding up." He shrugged before smiling at me.

"So what have you been doing?" I questioned as I rested my chin on the back of my palm.

"I've been learning dance." He replied.

"What about the others? You know I missed you guys so much" I giggled.

"Well, as you know Namjoon hyung, he's studying philosophy and English. As for yoongi hyung, he's studying music."

"Of course yoongi always to make his career in music" I smiled.

"Jungkook and Jin are handling their family businesses, and Taehyung is studying journalism."

"Wow. That's interesting. I never knew Taehyung wanted to be a journalist" I giggled as he nodded, chuckling as well.

"and hobi is learning dance as well.." He said as I smiled nodding.

"That's nice. He always loved dance. It's good to see his pursuing his career in something he likes." I said as he hesitantly nodded.

"Anyways. We missed you a lot. We're glad you're really back... I hope we can hangout more often" he looked nervous.

"Of course, jimin." I smiled warmly.

Is it a new start or am I walking back to where I was?




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