Epilogue II

178 12 26

•{Author POV}•

Tears fell down the side of her eyes as she laid in the bathtub with her hand resting on the bathtub panel.

The red blood oozing out of her small, thin wrist.

'I'll be free now' she thought to herself.

"Y/n!" Namjoon rushed inside as he looked at her shockingly.

She had no movements.

"No!" He yelled before picking her up in his arms and rushing to the hospital.

His heart pained as he looked at her only to find tears flowing out of her eyes. There was no movements in her other than the tears that were leaving her beautiful eyes just like her soul slowly leaving her weak body.

"Please don't give up" He whispered before rushing inside the hospital.

The doctors quickly took her with them as he sobbed shakily.

"hyung! What's wrong?" Jimin walked inside with his girlfriend, Chaewon as the others followed them behind.

Suddenly the room y/n was inside opened and the doctors came out with a heavy sigh making Namjoon scared as he walked to them.

"D-doctor.. Wha--"

"We're sorry. We couldn't save her. It seems like she had no hope to live. Her body was really weak too.. We're sorry for your loss." The doctor said before walking away as Namjoon stood frozen on his steps.

He bursted into tears as yoongi held him, rubbing his back, trying to comfort.

Looking up, Namjoon saw Hoseok as he rushed toward him and held him by the collar.

"It's all because of you! Because of this Bitch! A innocent girl lost her life because of you! You both should be ashamed of yourself." Namjoon said as he punched Hoseok.

"Stop! It's not our fault. It was her own choice!" Renee said as she walked in front of them making Namjoon to shake in anger.

He turned around and walked inside the room as the others watched him in pity.

They knew how much he loved her. How much he was trying to heal her.

But it was all over now.

She was dead, and so was Namjoon's heart.

How irony this is. She suffered and suffered for him, yet Hoseok couldn't see anything.

Namjoon suffered and suffered for her yet she couldn't see anything.

There was nothing left.



Okay so, chapter 24 where y/n came back was not real. All the chapters, including the first epilogue, til this epilogue was y/n's illusion.

Nothing like that happened. After their graduation, y/n moved away of her house and her city but she found Namjoon. She did try to move on from Hoseok but she only said a goodbye to him and not her feelings for him.

They lived together as roommates. Jimin already has a girlfriend named chaewon and Hoseok and Renee are happily together too.

Ok that's it. Brb I'm gonna cry now. T_T

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