•|Chapter 10|•

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It's nice to be with friends. Your friends are nice. They're very sweet.

I knew it would be a great idea to have a day out together. But I should have known, it'd feel lonely. 

"Y/n" Your friend, with whom I am being very close friends too now, call me.

"Yeah?" I said and was about to look at him when he splashed water on me, "Hey!" I glared at him

"Don't be boring and come here" He laughed out making me smile a little as I got up quickly and ran toward him ready to take my revenge.

We stopped playing after sometime and took our seats on the chair left.

Jimin went away to get some drinks for me and him leaving me alone to have my own time again.

It's stupid of me to never be able to take my eyes off of you while you can't take your eyes off of her.

Why does it have to be like this? It hurts but I can't do anything.

At least you're happy. It's just me who's unfortunate. 

I fell in love with those eyes which could never adore me as I adore them.




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