Epilogue I

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•{Hoseok POV}•

My tears wouldnt stop as I sat on the floor near my bed, burying my face in my knees as I hugged my self.

This is so hard. So so hard.

Is this what she felt when she loved me? And she bear with for years?

What do I do without her? I love her now when she found another man for herself.

I feel so overloaded. This emotional pain is hurting me physically. It feels so hard to breathe.

I pushed her away when I could make her mine and now I have no chance of having her as mine. She's someone else's now.

But I only love her. It's so hard to breathe knowing, she loves someone else. Knowing she is in the arms of another man. Knowing she is finding her home in someone else's heart. Knowing she has found a soul that is ready to be tied to hers.

But I did this to myself didn't I?

Im receiving what I gave her. She's finally receiving what she deserves. She's finally happy. And I shouldn't be anywhere near her.

She forgave me for all the times I hurt her yet I foolishly act shameless as if I have never done anything wrong.

I'm the only one to blamed.

But this heart wants her love. It craves for her.

Just like she once craved for my love.

I can't breathe. How do I? I'm dying and I don't know what to do. Where do I ask for help? It's hurting me and it's too much.

Is this what she felt when she loved me? It's terrifying. Absolutely dreadful.

And I deserve this. All of this.




I'll be posting the next two epilogues together <3

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