•|Chapter 17|•

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You have been trying. I know. I'm noticing the way you try to chase me, just to talk to me.

But I don't wish to see you.

Does it hurt? I'm sorry if it does. But I don't think it should. You don't care about me anyways.

I don't want to be near you but should I tell you a secret?

I take glances at you secretly when you're away from me.

I can't help myself.

It's funny isn't it? how We only have one choice, either we control our feelings or our feelings control us. And we, human beings, always choose the hard things because they look easy.

I did the same thing. Just like everyone else. I, too, choose the hard way.

I feel so weak that I let my feelings for you take control over me. I hate it so much.



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