•|Chapter 26|•

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"uh... H-how have you umm been?" you asked me stuttering.

Weird. I didn't know you'd look nervous.

"I been good.. How have you been?" I answered you.

But you looked away when I looked at you. Why?

"I have been uh.. Um.. fine..."

"That's good, Hoseok.. How is Renee?" I smiled at you.

"she's good... L-look y/n.. I-i don't want to look bad anymore.. I'm sorry okay? And I'm extremely sorry for everything I have done to you" You said.

I wasn't expecting you to bring that up. But it's okay now, isn't it? It doesn't hurt that much anymore.

"Renee is sorry as well.. I have suffered a lot after you left and we graduated, I realized what I have been doing was completely wrong.. Renee and I have done so much wrong with you and everyone but especially with you.."

"I realized things weren't going to work out between us so we just ended everything... We're just friends now.. And that day when... When you confessed to me.. I'm sorry about it too... Renee asked me to confirm if you actually liked me or not, but I didn't know she was going to step so low... I'm really sorry, extremely sorry. Please forgive me.." you looked away from me.

You made me speechless Hoseok.

But I felt upset when I heard you sniffle. Why were you crying?

"I realized renee and I weren't meant to be together when she started bullying everyone.. She regrets it as well now, please don't hate her too... Anyways, back then I was in a dilemma because I didn't know what to know but I took my time to clear my mind and decided to breakup with her. I really hope we can restart as friends..."

You wanted to be friends with me?

"I forgive you Hoseok.. And Renee as well.. I have no grudges for you or her. Don't worry and yeah let's be friends again. I'm over all of that." I said as I looked at you smiling but stopped when I felt something in your eyes.

You're hard to read even now. Just like before but more harder now.

Can't blame me, can we though?

"What?" I asked you but you shook your head and smiled a little.

"Thank you so much." You replied.

"It's ok, hobi. Let's go, find your friends. They're literally lost, I guess." I said as you nod in response smiling softly at me.

I wish you were like this before when i had feelings for you. Sadly,

I don't feel that strongly for you anymore, Hoseok.



Who should y/n end up with, if not Hoseok?

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