•|Chapter 6|•

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I have been really good friends with your girlfriend these days.

I'm even getting so much attention because of her.

You also started talking to me as I'm her *Best friend* as she like to call it.

She's really sweet. I like her. But I can't stop envying her as you act loving with her when I'm sitting right by her side.

"Y/n ssi. Will you be okay if we leave? Jimin is here to accompany you." He asked me.

I looked at their hands intertwined. Feeling a pang in my heart, I quickly nodded my head, "Of course. Have fun." I said with my hoarse voice.

"Y/n, are you okay?" his girlfriend asked me as I smiled at her, nodding my head.

"I'm fine. Don't worry and just have fun!" I chuckled a bit as she nodded, hugging me for a brief second before pulling away and walking away with him.

And I was left alone with one of the playboy of the school.



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