•|Chapter 7|•

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Dear diary,
I can't stop admiring him. I feel so suffocated but I can't help it. I can feel myself growing more and more love for him as each day passes by. He has been very sweet with me. And I can't stop my heart from feeling these feelings. They're getting so strong. My heart hurts. I'm so overloaded by the love I have for him.

It feels like a burden, yet I crave just for him, yet I wish to love him and only him.

I feel so pathetic. I want to let go but I don't know how to. Where do I ask for help? I have no one. I'm dying because of him. And he doesn't know it.

I can feel my every ounce breaking, just because this love that I feel for him.

Just because of this mere feeling, I can feel my whole self fading away.

I'm losing myself.

And I don't know what to do.



This story is sad.

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