•|Chapter 8|•

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"Hi y/n" You greeted me today by yourself.

"Hi hosoek" I smiled warmly.

Why wouldn't I? You're my love..

"Just call me hobi. We're friends." you said.

We were really friends?

I didn't know you considered me as a friend.

"O-oh okay... Hobi..." I smiled happily.

"Are you drawing sketches?" you asked me sweetly making my heart melt, "Can I see them?"

I blinked my eyes as you suddenly look into my eyes making me nervous.

"s-sure..." I spoke, handing you my sketch book as you went through pages and pages. Appreciating every piece of work I did in it.

I wish you could appreciate me the same way.

But things doesnt go my way.

They never do.



Sorry. I was a little busy so I couldn't post ❤

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