•|Chapter 27|•

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"it's my first date with you. I'm so excited." Jimin said making me chuckle because he looked very happy.

"Calm down Jimin. It's just a date." I said as he smiled at me softly before looking away.

But he suddenly stopped walking before stepping in front of me and holding my hands.

"It's not just a date for me, y/n" He said making me look at him confusingly.

"Look I know this might sound weird but I've liked you since we were in high school. I couldn't confess for multiple reasons but I really do like you. This date is much more than just a date to me... Its like a dream come true. I always... Um nevermind... Please forget what I said you probably don't even feel for me the way I feel for you" He said before standing beside me again and walking.

"Jimin" I called him.

He liked me since years and he never told me?

"Please... Forget what I said" He said again as he looked down but continued walking.

"Yah!" I held his shoulders shaking them as he looked up at me smiling softly.

But his eyes were teary.

"Boys are really stupid. You didn't even let me speak" I said as his eyes turn confused, "I know... I know I don't return you the same feelings right now, but maybe you can give me a chance to return them to you in the future?" I said, looking down as I played with my fingers.

"What are you saying, y/n?" He said as I awkwardly look up at him and cupped his cheeks.

"Maybe we can try and see? Maybe you can make me fall for you?" I said before pulling my hands back but he held them in his.

"Are you saying we should try dat-"

"Yes jimin. That's what I am saying.." I said, blushing but gasped when he suddenly pulled me into a hug.

"you're really agreeing to be my girlfriend? Like only mine? Oh my God y/n! I love you so much! I promise I'll put my everything in this" He said happily, screaming making me smile as I hugged him back.

It's never bad to embrace changes. Difficult, yes but bad? Hardly.



Do you think they'll end up together?

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