Chapter Seven : Brotherly Advice

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Y/n's POV

Connor and I sit on the couches in my living room, the coffee table covered in empty beer bottles, the TV playing a new sitcom. The both of us finally in our normal clothes, Tony didn't insist he wear something fancy or professional like he did with me, but he did suggest for optics that he wear dress clothes if he's on set with me. I sit wearing tan joggers and an oversized hoodie, a flannel over top and a baseball cap on my head. Connor is in sweatpants and a t-shirt, the logo spread across his chest was overlapping drumsticks with a lightning crack down the middle, the band name written overtop in dripping letters,

Bastard Children. I chuckle as I read it.

"Do you think it's wise to wear that around here?" I joke, taking another sip of the beer in my hand.

Connor looks down, realizing what he's wearing, "It's not like anyone is going to ask what band it is, or look to see who's in it." He tries to calm my nerves.

I nod, "Maybe not, but I'm not sure how Tony would react if it got out."

Connor shakes his head, "Wouldn't he be more inclined to let that get out, I mean being in an indie punk band with a name like ours might actually work in favor of whatever bullshit persona he's putting on you?"

I shrug my shoulders, "We didn't play songs about burning the world down or pissing people off for the fun of it, our songs were emotional, revealing. I mean our most popular song was literally about us growing up without a dad and feeling like we didn't matter. If people heard that-" I stop, taking another sip, "they might try and find out who my dad is, not that there's much of a trail leading back to Tony, but I don't think he'd want to risk it." I huff out.

He nods, accepting the answer. A few moments pass of enjoying the other's silent company, both of us barely registering the show playing in the background. Buddy was asleep on the floor, laying on top of all his soft toys, Connor always plays with him for hours when he comes over. We got Buddy a year before I moved out here, Connor thought it would be a good idea for me to have some company, something I could put my time into. Mom wasn't as bad as she was, but she still wasn't back to normal, and Tony was desperate to involve me in his life. I felt stuck in the middle and unsure what to do with my life anymore, and Buddy helped ground me.

"So, what was Wanda Maximoff doing over here this morning?" He asks, starring me down, I knew this line of questioning would come eventually.

I roll my eyes, "We left the party together, we were both hungry, we got to chatting and we came back here."

Connor sits up, invested in the direction the conversation was headed, "Did anything happen?" He asks, excited for me.

I shake my head, "We almost kissed-" I begin, Connor straightens up, a surprised look spreading across his face at rapid speed, "I said almost."

He shakes his head frantically, "Why didn't you? I mean look at the woman! You've been into her for years, I figured you'd jump at the chance!"

"I do like her, and trust me I wanted to, but-" Connor knows me well enough to know that just having a crush on a celebrity and being given the chance to make a move on them isn't enough for me to actually do anything, but he also knew based on what he walked in on this morning that it was much more than that.

"But what?" His eyes widen, looking me over in a questioning manner.

"But she's married." I let out softly, still feeling a dull ache in my chest everytime I remember.

Connor sits there a moment, going over something in his head, confused. Connor has always been involved in my love life, he's been the protective older brother since the moment I was born. He was the first person I came out to, he drove me to my first date with a girl, he would be the first to tell me when a girl wasn't treating me right, he'd be the one to pick up the pieces after my heart would get broken, and he'd encourage me to get back out there when he knew the time was right again. And he knew right now more than I did, and he was having a hard time wrapping his head around it. He could always tell what was going to come next for me and a girl, I mean he predicted every relationship I'd get into after only knowing the other girl for two seconds, it's like a superpower or something. Clearly he thought something was going to happen with Wanda and I, and apparently the news of her being married is as confusing for him as it was heartbreaking for me.

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