Chapter 17 : Secrets In The Trailer

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Y/n's POV

Connor dropped me off at set an hour ago, there thankfully wasn't very much hair, makeup or wardrobe to have to go through, but it just reminds me of what scenes we are having to do today. Not that I haven't done them before, trust me, Carol Danvers and I had far too many for me to count on our last movie, and I know how to keep things professional. It's just that something feels different about this, and I don't think it's the fact that it's with Yelena that's messing with my head. I just know something is headed my way.

Whatever the sensation in the back of my head is beginning to drum up, I squash it down as fast as I can, enjoying the silence of the day in my trailer before I am called to set.

Sitting down on the couch, I read through my French text version of Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert. Its subject becomes apparent in their parallels to my current romantic situation, but I push through, continuing to read through as much as I can before I hear a faint knock come at the door of my trailer.

"Come in." I call out softly.

As the door is pushed open slowly, I am met by the gentle featured face I've come to enjoy seeing at work, "Hey, just thought we should talk before our scenes today." Yelena tells me, taking a seat next to me on the couch.

I nod, "Sure, what's up?"

Taking in a shuddering breath, "It's been a few years since I've done a sex scene, so I just thought we should communicate beforehand."

I nod immediately, liking the idea of communicating any issues or thoughts we might have about the scene. "Good idea. Is there a concern you have?"

"No, I know you'll probably be fantastic all the way through, but sometimes it's good just to have an out if either of us need it." She uses her hands to gesture mildly, like something might be on her mind that she isn't let slip out.

I pause a moment, taking in her worried expression. I think she's more nervous about this than I am, she seemed fine a few days ago, but I think now that it's a reality and we are literally about to go do these scenes, she's starting to second guess herself. "How about if either of us need a break; we check in with the other, tap the other three times, and they can nod or shake their head?"

Her head tilts lightly, a small tweak of her lips at my gentle suggestion. "Check in. Tap the other three times. A shake or a nod?" She double checks with me with a nervous infliction to her voice.

I focus my gaze on her more fully, letting her know she's what I'm most interested in at this moment, that I take this seriously. "Yeah, it won't seem like much on camera, but we'll know what the other one needs without having to announce it to the entire set."

Her chest rises slightly with a deep breath, "I like that, tap three times."

We shoot one another understanding smiles, both of us already feeling better from just the promise of an out if it's needed. I try my luck at what might really be bothering her. "Are you sure there isn't a reason?"

"Maybe." She starts, swallowing harshly, "It's been a while since I've been with someone in my personal life too." She offers up a little shyly, more reserved than the rest of her personality normally is.

"Me too honestly." I match her energy, feeling like we can both relate to that.

Her brows furrow in surprise but quickly bounce back as to not show too much of an expression, like she might be worried about my reaction to her facial contortions. "No one special?"

I tilt my head in an assessing manner, wanting to phrase this correctly, not wanting to give too much about whatever was going on with Wanda and I. "Oh well, there was someone there for a bit, but it seems she wasn't as interested in me as I was in her."

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