Chapter 13 : Coffee Stains

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I arrived back in LA yesterday morning, without Wanda, her assistant or manager. Connor hadn't heard much other than she woke them both up in the middle of the night and abruptly boarded the jet back home.

I told him everything on the ride back home, not all the details of course, cause he's still my brother and we have boundaries, but he knows the jist of it, I stayed over, things got intimate and she left after I fell asleep. No note, no text, no nothing.

It was a quiet and solemn ride back after I finished telling him, he wanted to give me some space and I appreciated it. I didn't even remember to take my Xanax I was so out of it, but the inner turmoil tumbling in me seemed to keep me distracted till the moment the plane came to a stop and I got out of my seat without a second thought, ready to go back home and wallow in my feelings.

I didn't know what I did wrong.

I felt used, and ignored.

So that's what I ended up doing, I laid in bed for the remainder of the evening and into the afternoon. Connor stayed over to make sure I mildly took care of myself and to take care of Buddy.

Around 2pm is when my phone finally went off, thinking it was Wanda, I immediately searched the bed for the buzzing sound. It was well hidden under the mountain of depression blankets I had thrown about, with a fierce upward motion of the covers, I heard the thud of the device land on the carpet. There it is!

I scrambled to get it, pressing the accept call button without even checking the caller ID.

"Hello?" I answered with excitement in my voice.

"Hey, heard you landed yesterday." Yelena's raspy tone croaked through the phone.

I try not to sound disappointed, having really missed her while I was away, "Yeah, I crashed after I got back. Jet lag and all."

She hums in thought, "So, now that you're back, do you want to grab that coffee with me?" She asks quietly, as if she's nervous I'd say no.

I smile, the first smile since that night with Wanda, "Yeah, right now?"

"If you're not busy."

I chuckle out, "Never too busy for you, Belova."

She perks up, mumbling out the name of a coffee shop that is near her house before she ends the call. I sigh, I wish it was Wanda calling to explain herself, tell me why she left me in Canada, and why she hasn't answered a single call or text I've sent her, or well Connor's actually as mine seem to not be going through. 

I huff out, deciding I'm going to push her to the back of my mind, at least for a few hours while I get coffee with Yelena. She's been great throughout my time at the studio, she's really making me feel welcome.

I hop in the shower quickly, scrubbing the self pity away, letting it swirl down the drain. After a brisk few minutes, I get out, deciding to put in some effort with my clothing. The last thing I want to do right now is have to explain why I look like I've spent the last 24 hours in bed in a depression cocoon. That's not an attractive look for an afternoon coffee get together.

Feeling satisfied with my choice in attire, fancy clothing that Tony purchased for me, I walk out of the room I've barely left since I've arrived at home. Walking down the hall that almost feels foreign and distant against my feet as I carry myself down towards the living room. As I stop in the archway of the room, I see Connor on the couch, Buddy resting his head on my brother's leg, letting his hand stroke over the dog's head with ease, his attention trained on the Tv as it plays some sitcom he's seen a thousand times over.

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