Chapter Eight : Flying Solo

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Y/n's POV

I walk out of the coffee shop close to my house, my iced coffee swirling around as I begin to walk down the street. As I go to take a sip from it, I am blinded by flashes and the bombarded sounds of clicks. A swarm of paparazzi buzzing around me.

"Any details you can give us on the new project you're working on?" A balding man shoves a microphone in my face.

"What's it like working with Tony Stark?" A high pitched voice asks.

"Is it true about the rumored on screen love interest of Yelena Belova?" A woman asks in a flirty voice.

"How do you respond to the backlash of your take over of the Awards Show?" A tall guy in the back yells.

"When's your next performance?" A shorter lady toward the front asks, writing on a notepad.

"Are you seeing anyone?" A blonde asks. Sharon Carter, again.

I roll my eyes, and just keep walking, walking all the way down to the end of the block where Connor was waiting for me by the car. He opens the door to allow me in, shielding me from any more photos and questions.

As he gets into the driver's seat, he lets out a huff. "Don't they have better places to be than bombarding you while you're getting coffee?? I mean it's a Thursday morning! Don't they have jobs to get to!"

I smile, "This is their job."

Connor just huffs out again, starting the car and speeding off, heading to the studio lot in a bad mood. Me on the other hand, I was in a fantastic mood, today was the day that I am leaving for the interview in Canada with Wanda. They even have us, our managers and her assistant booked for the same private jet. Apparently, they would normally book separate ones, but Wanda insisted we only needed one, clearly she's looking forward to spending time together as much as I am.

As we pull up to the studio lot, I feel a buzzing in my pocket. As I fish my phone out, I see it's a text from Tony.

Soulless Prick 🤫

I need you to stop by my office whenever you get to the lot, we need to go over talking points for your interview.


You do know that I'm going to promote another movie right?

Soulless Prick 🤫

I know, but they will ask you about this newest project


The title hasn't even been released, there isn't much for them to ask about

Soulless Prick 🤫

Exactly, they will want some exclusive tidbits, and we need to go over those so that you don't say too much


Worried I'm going to screw up your life's work?

Soulless Prick 🤫

That's not what I'm saying. I just want you to be prepared.


Fine. We just got here.

Soulless Prick 🤫

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