Chapter One : Sheep In Wolf's Clothing

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Y/n's POV

I clench my jaw, closing my eyes trying to drown out the flashing lights of cameras and the noise of loud reporters behind the ropes of the red carpet. I feel my breath get caught in my chest, unable to catch it. Unsteady bursts of air heaving their way out of me as I feel a hand rest on my shoulder, squeezing it slightly. I open my eyes, immersed in the world again.

"You can do this." Conner, my manager, speaks in a calm voice.

"I really don't think I can." I pause, looking around, "You know what, I don't even think I want to be an actress anymore, we can just leave-" I start.

"You signed a contract, you can't just leave." He reminds me.

"It was a dumb contract, you and I both know that!" I whisper, trying not to draw attention to us.

"I'm aware, and I'm sorry that you have to do this, but-"

"So help me God, if you say I was asking for what's about to happen this evening, I will slice off your nuts and shove them down your throat." I threaten, glaring my eyes at him, almost hoping he would say something stupid.

"That is surprisingly the most relaxed threat you've given me this week, I'm glad you're taking your role seriously." He begins, clearing his throat at my sudden change to an unamused stare, "But no, I was just going to say you've dug yourself far too big of a hole to get out now, so go out there, give them something worthy of photographing. Stick to the plan, don't be you, don't answer any questions and meet me in the bathrooms once you can." He walks off, leaving me alone to muster up the courage to do this.

I step out onto the red carpet, patting down the silk white dress I am sporting. I hated this dress, it's fabric flowing around me with ease, it's glittery shine that catches everyone's attention, it's matching high heels that make me way too tall for already above average height. I shake off the uncomfortable feeling creeping up my spine, narrowing my eyes and finally looking up as the hounding flashes commence.

"Look over here!" A photographer shouts from the back.

"Y/n can we get a smile?" A shorter man shouts.

"Who are you wearing?" A reporter asks.

A well dressed blonde woman pushes her way to the front of the ropes. "Can you tell us anything about the rumors that you're Stark Studios newest leading actress?" She asks, holding a microphone out for me to answer.

I smirk, glaring my eyes at her, turning to my right, ready to walk further down the carpet but then my eyes meet her. Standing there glamorously in a satin green dress, puffing at the shoulder and forming around her thighs. Hundreds of photographers hounding her for photos and asking for quotes, but she keeps herself composed, smiling a well formed smile, beaming with joy as if she lives for these events.

Wanda Fuck-Me Maximoff

Her green eyes meet mine and suddenly I'm done with this little charade for now, I start down the red carpet toward her, stopping a few feet away, seeing a break in the backdrop that I'm ready to take. Before I do, I see just past her the woman of whom I need to make a spectacle of, and as if my thoughts conjured her eyes, we see each other from across the way.

Yelena Holy-Shit Belova

I scan the crowd of photographers, making sure all of them are focused on me for what's about to happen. I make a noticeable smirk, a well practiced one at that, tilting my head ever so slightly at her and with the biggest gesture yet, I wink. With that, suddenly an uproar from behind the ropes occurs, and I make my way through the break in the backdrop, feeling Wanda Maximoff's eyes still on me, unsure of what spectacle I just caused.

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