Chapter 24 : Errands of Domesticity

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Heyyo! How is everybody today?

Y/n's POV

Waking up next to Wanda Maximoff is a dream. Her little nose crinkles in her sleep, like her mind is always busy, her mouth hangs out letting out a bit of sleepy drool that on anyone else might not be cute - but on her it is. Some part of her body always has to be touching you, normally a hand, but she'll settle for a leg, as if she's afraid that in the dead of night you'll leave her. Her light snoring doubles as a makeshift sound machine, and somehow it lulls me to sleep even more. Waking up next to her makes my heart soar and my mind feel at peace.

The sound of a blaring alarm clock cuts that moment of bliss short as Wanda grumbles, sleepily slapping her hand not resting on my stomach against her phone as if to turn it off. And yet, it persists, meaning her whacking did not manage to connect with the snooze button. Softly laughing at her antics, I lean over her body, reaching for the nightstand on her side of the bed and turn her phone over, and tap the off toggle, effectively silencing the sound disturbing her sleep.

I smile down at her as she rolls over from on her stomach so she lays on her back, her eyes hooded but the slits of her green gaze find home on my face, telling me she's up. I kiss at her temple, her forehead, her cheeks, feeling a wide and giggling grin painting its way across her face.

"This is my favorite way to wake up." She rasps out.

"Mine too." I breathe out, content.

Our eyes settle on one another, basking in the moment for so long I forget all about the outside world, like we were born and bred only to exist in one another's arms, here in this bed. And after what feels like only a second, realistically a few minutes, Wanda's soft voice whispers into the air breezing between us. "Do we have to get up, can't we just stay here and waste away in each other's arms?"

The question brings a light smile to my lips, thinking the same thing. "Weren't you the one that had errands to run?" I question, remembering once again the plans we had for the day.

"Don't remind me." Wanda groans out, flipping over and stuffing her head into the pillow as if to drown out the rest of the world.

Her cuteness strikes my teasing nature, "Come on now love, the sooner we get all this done, the sooner we can come back here and just enjoy each other's company."

Lifting her head up slightly, her green irises squint in disamusement. "Fine, but you owe me breakfast."

Letting my smile grow the length of my face, I start up out of the bed, throwing the comforter off the both of us and get up. "Deal. I'll make that while you hop in the shower."

In a grumbling disapproval of having to be out of bed, Wanda huffs, throwing her arms around as if a child throwing a tantrum. It's almost laughable, so much so I have to bite down on my inner cheek to stop myself. As she finally reaches the bathroom door, turning around in full seriousness, her playful antics drop and suddenly something else swirling in her eyes, "You could join me, you know."

I tilt my head in assessment, as if thinking it over. "I could, but I'm enjoying making you wait for it."

"You're evil you know." Her huffs.

I nod along. "Oh I know. Now get your cute butt in the shower, I'll have something whipped up for you by the time you're done." Giving her a quick wink, I strut down the hall, only barely hearing the turning on of the shower head in the distance.

Buddy's head pops up as I make my way into the living room and then eventually the kitchen. Knowing he probably needs to go outside before we leave, I open the sliding glass back door for him to make his exit to do his business. Which he does, dashing from his dog bed, so much so that it kicks up behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2022 ⏰

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