Chapter 8: Casino Night

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Theodore's P.O.V (Back to that Summer)

The shout of the crowd and champagne glasses clinking booms in my ear drum. My poker face was good enough to take the winnings off the table. I felt the alcohol ready rise out of my throat. 

How did I lose everything? I started off the night winning every hand and collecting poker chips. Now, I was stuck with nothing. 

"Well, that was fun." Zachary smirked making me want to punch him. Anger mixed with pride swirled in my chest. He was not going to win everything in my vacation house. 

This was the annual Casino Night hosted by me and I was out of poker chips. I shook my head and tried to think quick on my feet.

"Wait, I need a rematch." I said and Zachary was suprised by my demand. "Give me a minute." I said leaving the poker tables. 

I walked through the living room while everyone stepped aside for me. I stopped by the kitchen to grab another drink and necked it allowing the burn of whiskey to take over. My eyes searched for her in the house.  I knew I was wasting time but maybe she could give me hope to win back everything. 

"THEO!! Are you insane?" Shawn came to my side with Miles on the other side.

"Miles, you are a snitch." I glared at him pouring another drink.

" I don't care. You need to stop gambling or you are going to do something you regret." Miles said with a defiant tone. I ignored him pouring another drink to drink right away.

"Find me Amelia." I said a sounding desperate but I did not care.

I went to my dad's study room and locked the door behind me. I struggled to walk straight to the desk and plopping down on the seat. No one was allowed to be in this office and I understood that I was taking a huge risk being here.   

I opened the top draw using my dad's universal pin and pulled out his banking information. Before, I grabbed a pen there was a knock on the door.

"Theo, it's Amelia." She said and I got up to unlock the door. 

I gently grabbed her arm and pulled in the office making sure to lock it behind us. 

"What are we doing here? Your dad will not like this." She said scanning the room. Her smile got wider when she found an expensive bottle of scotch. 

She carefully poured herself a glass and laid back on the couch across from the desk.

I went back to the desk to search for my dad's checkbook. I grabbed his pen and wrote a check scribbling enough zeros to win back everything.

"I don't think that is a smart thing to do." Amelia raised an eyebrow at me. "Miles told me you were in trouble. Just admit you lost and move on." She said placing her empty glass down. 

I raised an eyebrow at her noticing her eyes telling me she was drunk. Her cheeks flushed pink and her smile at dazed. 

"Amelia, I will win back everything and replace the funds before my notices. Don't worry." I said and quickly signed the check identical to how my dad will sign it. 

Amelia watched me pouring another drink. She was drunk but she knew that I was forging my dad's signature.

"You and your stupid ego." She said sipping on her drink. "You are going to fuck things up." She slurred this time. 

"What about you?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulders chugging her drink. 

"What about me?" She placed the glass down. Her eyes moving back and forth as she can barely stand up straight.

"You are one to judge when you are basically drinking this whole summer away." I said placing everything back in my dad's desk and closing it. She scoffed and placed her hands the desk to level with me.

"You're being dramatic. Summer everyone drinks. I am young and I can do whatever I want." She said growing mad in her eyes. I was already upset about loosing the poker match with Zachary but something evoked me to argue back with her.

"Grow up Amelia. You think you are so much better than anyone else. I know that you are drinking because of your problems at home." I said standing up to exit as I know this conversation is not over.

"How about you grow the fuck up Theodore? You are the one using daddy's money to save your ass from a stupid card game." She said walking up to me. My hand was already on the door knob ready to leave and I felt like something twisted inside of me at that moment. 

Amelia, my best friend, of all people she should know I am dedicated for building a name for myself. I work hard to get good grades, join the football team and apply to internships. My father might be a business man but he was never the dad I needed. Always traveling because his work was more important than his own family. 

"You should lay off the drinking, you are starting to act like your mother." I said the words leaving my mouth bitter. 

My head turned sideways and felt a sharp sting to my face. Amelia's wistful tears stream down on her face as she choked on her words. 

"I am not.." She paused shaking her head and wiping the tears with her fingers. 

Shit. That is when I knew I fucked up. Why did I say something so fucked up to her? 

"Lia" I started but she pushed me aside leaving without looking back at me. I knew I had to make it up to her tomorrow morning after this party.

I walked back to the poker table and set down the check in the middle of the table. 

"Double or nothing." I said praying to god I win this hand at the table. Zachary grins and nodded his head. 

We waited for the cards to be shuffled and dealer gave them out. I was thinking three steps a head and managing to hide my poker face. I had a full house of three aces and two tens. According to probability, Zachary could not manage to get anything better if I had three of the most valuable cards. 

I can feel Miles and Shawn breathing down my neck. Watching the game carefully just like everyone else.  I was confident in winning this. 

"Check." I said and looked towards Zack's confirmation.

"Check." He said calmly making my excitement rise in my chest. 

I flipped the cards eagerly and waited a heartbeat for his cards to come into view. 

"Royal Flush." He said and I thought I was going to throw up. I felt panic rise in my chest when he took the check off the table. 

"Wait, I need that. I didn't think" I said but did not know how to end the sentence. 

"Better luck next time. Pay up" He said laughing making me nervously grab his arm.

"I don't have the rest of money to give you double that amount." I whispered for the two of us to hear. I thought he was going to fight me for it but he looked even more intrigued. 

"I have a job for that can help you pay me the rest. I will call you." Zachary said leaving the poker table. 

"What is he talking about?" Miles asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "Where is Amelia?" I asked thinking of ways to apologize to her because she was right.

"She left with Aria. They said  they needed to do last minute shopping before the semester begins" Shawn said.


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