Would they wear a mask?

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Ash wears a mask but not for himself. If it was before
you then he wouldn't but now if he has you he will because he doesn't want you to get sick.

"ash you should put on a mask its not safe" they said Handing him a little blue mask. He looked at it and rolled his eyes playfully while he took it. "I'm pretty sure my immune system is way better than your baby one" he said teasingly while he put it on.


Eiji 100% puts on a mask. This man carries around a little baggie of them and he is one asking all his friends and you to put them on.

"hey eiji" they said walking over to him "here you should put one if these on or else you'll get sick" he said holding out a mask to them. They laughed awkwardly "thanks" they took it and he smiled "your welcome"


I feel like at first he wouldn't put one on and then after he sees all the people dying then he would.

"hey babe I think you should put on a mask" they said handing one to their purple haired boyfriend "ok but only because one of my guys dropped last week but you put one on too I don't want you to get sick"

Yut lung:

He doesn't wear a mask. I feel like he won't put one on because someone told him to. So asking him to put on a mask would go something like this.

"Yue can you put this on please? It will keep you from getting sick or spreading germs to others" this they said to Yut lung. Yut lung glared at them "why should I care for other people? No one ever cared about me so no" they deadpaned "Yut lung Im literally your significant other put the dam mask on" he looked at them with his arms crossed "no"


This little bean puts on a mask to protect others and you. Also because he wants to make sure he is in tip top shape to take care of the gang.

"Here y/n put this on" he said grabbing a mask out of his bag and passing it to you. They smiled and put it on "your taking this pretty seriously huh?" They asked jokingly he smiled sheepishly "you can't be too careful" they smiled and hugged sing "your adorable"

I didn't want to do these two but...people simp for them and I want to make everyone happy so here we go.


He only wears a mask so he won't get stopped by other people. He doesn't really care but does it anyways.

"here can you put this on please?" They asked handing him a mask he took it and shrugged lightly "if you want"


He only wears one not to protect you or other people but because he is a pussy. He's afraid of dying so yea that's the only reason but he pretends like its for you and makes you put one on too.

"hey put this on hun" he said handing them a mask they looked at him with an eyebrow raised "why I thought you didn't believe in the virus" he chuckled awkwardly "its for you plus Billy died last week so out it on I don't wanna- I mean I don't want you to die okay I care about you"

Yea this is probably not going to get published during the pandemic when I wrote this... But hey it still went up if your reading this. Because Im planning on putting this in the trash.

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