Eiji x reader

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This is the start of the valentines specials ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧

Y/n woke up groaning as they pushed their alarm making the anoying beeping stop.

They stood up and made there way to the bathroom getting ready for the day.

Tomorrow was valentines day and the boy they liked didn't even notice them.

He was so sweet and charming but he was kinda oblivious. They shared the same classes and extra curriculars.

They might have talked.....once but they doubt he noticed. Y/n has been watching him and noticed that he was nothing but pure.

An angel even. Sighing they grabbed  a book and decided to go read at the park.

They made there way out of the room greeting their parents with a smile and a good morning before heading off.

Y/n smiled it was Early in the morning and the air was crisp and the breeze blew gently a few fluffy clouds dotting the light blue sky.

Y/n stopped half way towards there destination and ran their fingers through their h/l h/c hair.

"Oh shit I forgot the blanket" they laughed about to turn around when they bumped into someone and fell to the ground.

"Oh my gosh I'm sorry" a familiar voice said and y/n's eyes snapped open to see eiji holding his hand out in front of them.

Y/n blushes and took it standing up quickly "i-its ok it's my fault" y/n wanted to mentally slap themselves

Why are you so stupid you made a complete fool or yourself in front of him they groaned in their head.

Eiji scratched the back of his neck nervously "oh no it's my fault too....can I make it up to you...maybe get tea or something" he asked a light pink in his cheeks

Y/n couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or the cold.

(It's a kinda cold day for me how about where you guys live?)

Y/n waved their hands in dismissal "it's fine honest" the blushed harder when he tilted his head

Awww he's Soo cuteee "oksoihavetogoniceseeingyoueijibye"
(Ok so I have to go nice seeing you eiji bye)

Y/n ran off back towards home and groaned in frustration "you looked like an idiot" they said to themselves as they opened the door and plopped on the bed.


Eiji watched in confusion as y/n ran away but looked down to see a book on the ground.

He picked it up and looked at the cover reading the title. He chuckled to himself noticing that it was a romance book and decided to give it back to them tomorrow.

He continued grabbing what he needed from the few stores around town until a little shop caught his eye.


The next day y/n got ready for school throwing on their uniform and grabbing their bento box. "Bye mom" they said gloomily. Y/n hated to admit it but they were pretty sour about not having  a Valentine.

There would be couples at school rubbing it in everyone's faces. Y/n internally groaned and opened the door to see eiji.

He smiled blushing slightly as he pulled their book and a bouquet of f/f from behind his back "g-good morning" he said his blushing getting worse than it already was.

"hi" y/n replied "I was wondering if you wanted to walk to school together....maybe be my Valentine if not thats perfectly fine Im not going to force you um-" y/n giggled and he stoped in the middle of his anxious rant.

"I'd love to be your Valentine eiji" y/n said a light pink dusting their own cheeks. He smiled and handed them the book and f/f "awww look at my baby all grown up" y/n's mom cooed from behind her and y/n turned bright red turning around to see their mom with  a camera in hand.

"MOM" they groaned pushing eiji away from the door and speed walking away as their mom yelled teasingly after them.

The two of them walked in awkward silence when y/n spoke up "how did you know they were my favorite?" Eiji blushes and looked away "I kinda over heard you talking about it with your friends once"

Y/n smiled they had thought eiji didn't notice them at all let alone remember a conversation from about a week ago. Y/n could vaguely remember the conversation between them and their best friend.

"Thank you they were really pretty" They finished walking to school and everyone looked at them exchanging circus glances and hushed whispers. Even if eiji didn't know it he was quite popular among the girls and boys in the school.

Y/n and eiji finished up school and walked home together. They were unconsciously inching their hands towards each other until eiji blushed and grabbed theirs. "If you'd like to.would you want to maybe date?" He asked and y/n stopped walking and looked st him slightly shocked

"you serious?" That asked and eiji stole there confused and blinked "yeah-" "yes" y/n interrupted him pulling him into a warm hug that he happily returned "thanks for being my Valentine" he said while smiling and y/n smiled "no, thank you"

This is the end of the first one...the original plan was to make it angst buuuut I decided fluff. these are kinda rushed ngl- but I hope you enjoyed

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