how do they treat you on your period

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• He knows what a period is. But doesn't know what to get you but he'll get things for you if you ask. He'll tease you about it but always have your favorite snacks as a backup if your moody and get pissed at him.

"Ashhh" y/n groaned as they layed sprawled out on the bed with a pained yet still grumpy expression Ash peaked his head in the room and chuckled "yes love?" He asked with an amused expression

y/n didn't look at them and continued to stare at the ceiling "I want f/s" they grumbled and ash rolled his eyes playfully before revealing that they already had it in their hand. "Your the best" "I know"


• This man is so intune with women's needs it's unbelievable. Sure he might get flustered sometimes but he already knows what you need what brand, size, type etc you need and even gives you tips on what he thinks will work better. He is a literal god sent.

"Hey y/n it says on my calender that your starting your period today. So I bought some stuff and...I wanted to know if you wanted to cuddle and watch a movie?" He smiled sheepishly while holding up a grocery bag full of stuff. Y/n sent them a small smile before Patting the space besides them "of course"


• he's scared of you but knows how to deal with periods because of Nadia. He tries his best not to get you mad because he remembers all the times Nadia hit him. And just tries to shove things in your face. He acts like your servant until you finish before he's back to normal.

"are you sure you don't need anything? A pillow? Heating pad? Chocolate?" Shorter asked and y/n deadpaned. "really? You act like Im going to bite your head off" y/n grumbled but gave him a sly smile "I could use some chocolate right n-" "on it!" Shorter interrupted and y/n watched him leave with a dumbfounded expression "I love him but he's an idiot"


He honestly thought you were dying when he first found out about your period. But afterwards when he realised it wasn't as serious as he thought it was got you a heating pad and suggested you lay down. He's still learning but overall 10/10 he secretly finds it scary though

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU???" sing yelled looking at y/n who jumped and looked around panicking "what happened?!" Sing walked closer to y/n and pulled out his phone "I think you cut your ass or something- your bleeding I'm going to call 911 it looks pretty serious"

he said worriedly and y/n's cheeks heated up "no sing don't call them! Its period its normal" sing gave her a confused look and y/n sighed this was going to be an awkward conversation

Yut lung:

• y'all fight. A lot. Between you being already annoyed and on your period and him being a natural drama queen it's just chaos. But when you guys are done fighting he makes you a cup of tea and plays with your hair for a change whole you guys read.

"I HATE YOU" Y/n yelled throwing a random slipper in Yut lung's direction. Yut lung scowled picking up a pillow from the couch and throwing it at them "OH YEAH I HATE YOU MORE" they both glared at each other before picking up the object each other threw Yut lung tossing the slipper at her first

"WE ALL KNOW THATS A LIE!" y/n threw the pillow at him hitting him in the face "YEAH WE ALL KNOW I LOVE YOU MORE!" Yut lung placed the pillow on the couch pushing black strands of hair out of his face "yeah right" he said sticking his nose up and walking out of the room y/n sat on th couch and huffed " I brought tea stupid " he said handing her a teacup. "thanks drama queen"


• he's still really flirty but gives you space and whatever you need at the moment.

Y/n sat on a bar stool hugging her knees to their chest. "Ugg why do cramps have to hurt so fucking much" y/n grumbled and noticed Cain coming up to them "what's wrong? Do you wanna head home?" Y/n nodded "it's just cramps " Cain chuckled lifting her up bridal style making her let out a startled yelp. "Well I could take them away for nine months" he joked and y/n hit his chest "oh shut up"

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