Ash x reader

585 14 7

Will probably suck but you get the idea

Ash was lounging around y/n's house and y/n had her speaker playing in the house while she cleaned up the house singing along softly to the songs as she did the dishes.

  a familiar song came on and ash sat up a slight smerk on his face. As he came up behind her chuckling"let's dance" he said turning off the water and laughing as y/n gave him an embarrassed look "Aslan I hate dancing-"

"aw you know this one" he said and then she laughed as he pulled her towards the middle of the living room starting the song again

He grabbed her hands and looked into her e/c eyes while she looked into his jade green ones. He let go of her hand and she raised it up  as he moved to the side and turned before y/n rested it on his shoulder.

Ash laughed as she sent him a playful eye roll and chuckled pulling her closer before they turned together once again looking at watch other playfully moving their feet in sync with the beat.

They turned again and y/n laughed and ash smiled "I told you you knew this" he said smugly and y/n rolled her eyes hitting him lightly they pulled away swaying their hips slightly

Ash put his hands on her shoulders and she ducked down a little bit before they grabbed each others hands while moving their feet moving together and y/n stumbled a bit and blushed from embarrassment.

Ash laughed and y/n rolled her eyes pouting playfully before trying to leave before ash pulled her in making their faces come close together as her hands ended up behind his back

She could feel his minty breath fan her face before he pulled back and grabbed her hands again "your not leaving ~" he teased and she felt her face heat up once again. It didn't Matter how long she was with ash. He always made her blush.

He turned her around wrapping his arms around her before turning so they were side by side. Before he turned her around with one hand.

The two of them enjoyed each others presence as they danced to the song. He came from  behind her and wrapped his arms around her body as she swayed her hips and followed the steps that she could remember ash occasionally laughing at her when she  would stumble some or forget.

They turned around again and y/n smiled she wondered what had gotten into ash today. He's been awfully upbeat today

Y/n was lost in thought and realized that she was just letting ash lead her her feet already knowing the steps and giggled as much as she'd hate to admit it she loved her time with ash. Even is he was her boyfriend she never got sick of his presence.

She grabbed his face lightly letting them move down the side of his face as they Danced before ash brought her hands up and smirked just wanting a reaction out of her. She blushed and roller her eyes already used to his little games.

Ash thought it was adorable when she got all flustered over something as simple as a wink. And y/n knew this and that is why she let him get away with teasing her.

They skinned and moved their bodies towards each other The front of their body touching slightly and their faces close enough that their lips were barely touching before they pulled away.

Ash dipped her towards himself and y/n let out a small squeak of surprise and then he brought her back up. "You are such a baby" he said and y/n pouted as they continued to dance

"Im nottt" He smirked as the end of the song neared their faces were now not even inches apart and he placed a soft tender kiss on her lips. He opened his eyes and looked at her and she pulled away her  burning up.

"Ashhh" y/n whined from embarrassment as the next song came on. She turned off the speaker sitting down at the couch hiding her red face behind a pillow  he sat down and pulled the pillow away

"like I said a baby" y/n couldn't help but laugh and people eyed head in Ash's lap "I got you something" she said smiling and he sighed "I thought we agreed on no gifts hmm?"

Y/n shrugged and y/n walked over to the counter and grabbed her phone.
"Here" she said handing him the phone and ash took it curiously "hey ash! Im visiting you! I arrive tomorrow happy Valentine's day" eiji's voice said from the other line and ash smiled.

"thats great I can't wait to see you" "byyee" eiji responded and ash turned to her before giving her a hug and putting his face in the crook of her neck. "Your the best" y/n laughed

"oh I know lynx" he smiled and pulled out a gift "I got you one too" he said and y/n looked at him exasperated "hey you can't get mad you we're just about to do the same thing" he said laughing at her expression.

Yeah yeah. she opened did it and saw a little locket she opened it and it showed a picture of her and ash "aww thank you I love it" y/n said having him out it on and gave him a hug

"I love you"

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