Yut Lung x reader

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Yut lung was brushing his hair and smiled he had plans for today. It was Valentine's after all. And y/n was going to show up later this evening so he had a little bit of time to plan out the day.

Y/n was his first lover that he actually cared for he wanted this Valentine's to be perfect and he has Been preparing all week

The old maid came into the room smiling "are you ready Yut lung?" She asked and Yut lung nodded buttoning the last button on his white shirt and nodded


Y/n was upset Yut lung didn't call her all day and has been pushing her away all week. She tried asking him if something was wrong be his answer was always "you'll see soon enough" why is he so vague?! Y/n thought internally groaning.

He had finally invited her over this evening..it was better than nothing so she decided to be happy about it.  Although she did feel a little hurt that he's been ignoring her.

Y/n put on her shoes after fixing her outfit for the day and decided to go shopping for Yut lung's Valentine's gifts. She had an order to pick up and then just a few knick knacks.

Y/n started walking off towards the shops walking into a clothing store and grabbing the pre wrapped box "thank you" y/n said to the store employee and continued to get a few other things for Yut lung.

It was time to get ready to leave by the time y/n got home and she threw on a f/c dress and a pair of matching heels and walked out the door gifts in hand. The limo pulled up and helped her get the things in the trunk.

Double checking her purse to make sure she had everything before getting into the limo.
The drive was quiet and y/n closed her eyes feeling slightly excited to see Yut lung.

The limo pulled up to the house and the driver helped her with the two bags and  fought them in for her she thanked him and gave him a five dollar tip.

Y/n saw Yut lung and couldn't help the smile that makes its wahh onto her face. "hey yue" y/n said going over to hug him he smiled and hugged her back. "Hey ready for dinner?" He asked and y/n nodded following him into the kitchen.

"I made it" he said and a light pink blush spread across his face. Y/n looked at him in awe "but you don't know how to cook?" She said and he smiled.

"thats why I was so busy this week my maid was giving me cooking lessons" y/n smiled and hugged him again "I love you you, drama queen" the rolled his eyes but returned it enjoying the comforting feeling of it.

They parted and y/n took a bite of the food and the looked their smiling "how is it?"  Y/n chewed and swallowed before answering "its really good you dud a great job yue"

The two of them talked and when dinner was over y/n brought over her gifts.
"why did you get so many y/n?" He asked puffing out his cheeks. Y/n laughed awkwardly "oh just enjoy it." He out the gift down and crossed his arms.

"but all I did was learn how to cook" he said whining and y/n walked over to him wrapping her arm around him from behind.

"I loved that gift. Better than anything you could have gotten me okay also ill be sad if you don't open it" he sighed and grabbed the first gift opening it to see a intricate Dragon ring.

"Oh this is very pretty" he said looking at it and y/n smiled "right? I found it at a pawn shop" Yut lung opened his other gifts getting his favorite chocolates and a dress.

Y/n brought over a box that had a few holes in it "open open this one is for both of us no complaining" y/n said when he was about to protest. He opened it and quickly shut the box.

"you didn't" he said a small smile finding its way onto his face. "Oh but I did" y/n smerked  Yut lung opened the box and pulled out a little black kitten and hugged it "I love it " he said and y/n smiled "I knew you would" "im going to name her m/n" Yut lung said as he stroked the cat gently. 

Y/n blushed and Hugged Yut lung "I love you drama queen" "stop calling me that" Yut lung said rolling his eyes and y/n walked over and clinging onto him  "I love you " "I love you too idiot" he said flicking her forehead

Half asleep rn  so might be it or I'll add more later after I sleep-

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