Sing x reader

475 8 20

(not gender neutral sorry)

Y/n felt a warm presence behind her and internally smiled opening  her eyes turning her head to see hee sleeping husband.

He had his mouth slightly open and little snores were exiting his mouth. Y/n smiled pushing his arm off her waist she walked to the kitchen and started making breakfast.

She cracked eggs and threw them in a pan watching the clear egg whites turn white she hummed a song she had need listening to the day before and grabbed the bacon placing it in a pan besides the eggs and turning on the heat.

The smell of food was making her nauseous and her brows furrowed but she shrugged it off hearing heavy footsteps coming down from the stairs a before feeling an arm wrap around her waist from.behind.

"good morning love" y/n greeted smiling sing chucked his husky morning voice making y/n blush slightly. It didn't matter that she's been married to sing for four years they still felt and acted like teenager's in love.

"good morning" he replied placing a kiss on her head before detaching himself and starting on a pot of coffee. "are you working today?" Y/n asked

As sing stoped placed the coffee grounds in the filter before closing it and pouring the water "yea sorry hun I know its Christmas but I get early around five" he Said.

"Its okay Im off today so I'll get the house ready for the guest's?" Y/n asked and sing nodded "yea ash and eiji are coming from Japan and are planning on staying in one of the spare rooms"

He said sitting at the table "how about shorter? Or Yut lung?" Y/n said placing a plate of food in front of sing he smiled "they will be coming for Christmas but not staying. And so is Lao" sing said.

Y/n made a face and he placed his hand in hers as she sat down "I know you guys don't particularly get along but please? Plus its Christmas" he said raising an eyebrow

Y/n puffed out her cheeks "but he criticizes everything like an old grandma" y/n grumbled

Sing chuckled "its only for a day not even a whole day just tonight" sing said and y/n sighed "ok now eat up I have to start cooking"


Y/n looked at the stick in her hand "I'm...pregnant?" She ran her fingers through her hair. I know we've been together for four years but we never talked about kids...she thought then she heard the bell ring.

Setting the test on the counter she got up to go answer the door. She smiled "ash, eiji come in" she said hugging each of them.

"Hey y/n long time no see" eiji said y/n and ash smiled at each other "hey big bro" y/n teased as ash ruffled her hair she swatted his hand away and rolled her eyes playfully.

"how have you been little sis?" He said playfully back "pregnant" y/n said holding in her laugh at Ash's appalled face and eiji's smiling one.

"your pregnant thats great" "your pregnant imma beat sing" they said at the same time.

Y/n hit ash over the head with a rolled up newspaper "no hitting my husband and yea I found out this morning Im going to tell him tonight" y/n said feeling more confident in her choice.

She had no doubt that sing would love her no matter what. "ah well Im happy for you" ash said smiling


Everyone was in the living room and shorter was catching popcorn in his mouth complaining about being single and Yut lung was talking about his hair products to eiji who listened to him.

Ash and Lao were giving each other side glances while sing tried to defuse the obvious tension. "lets open gifts" he said and y/n felt her palms become sweaty.

What if he isn't ready? She thought worriedly. Ash went first getting a collection of books eiji got a cook book and a knitting kit which he thoroughly enjoyed. (A random head cannon I have)

Yut lung got clothes and a spa gift card, shorter got a new pair of sunglasses and cologne, Lao got clothes, and y/n got a little locket with sings picture in it.

"your turn" y/n said handing him his gifts. He chose the pregnancy test first and opened it. His head shot up and he smiled like a child on Christmas morning.

"are you really?!" He said and y/n nodded and he got up and hugged her kissing her cheek "congratulations!" Everyone said clapping and shorter smerked "don't even" y/n said noticing shorter

"No crude jokes right now" she clarified before he could open his mouth and say what. Shorter rolled his eyes and chucked. "congratulations then" he said jokingly and y/n threw a piece of popcorn at his forehead.


The night was over and and Ash and eiji were asleep in there spare room while sing ANF y/n layed in bed talking to each other.

"so your pregnant" he said softly smiling to himself. Y/n looked at him smiling "yea are you excited?" She asked and he nodded "ill be there for you and them we are going to do so many things together girl or boy" he said

Then he placed a hand on her stomach "ill love you just as much as I lobe your mommy" be cooed. "I'll never leave you" y/n smiled at him lovingly.


Y/n stood in front of sings coffin with a hand over her pregnant stomach "I love you so much" she said a few tears escaping before wiping them away with the back of her hand then she sniffed and placed a hand on her bulging stomach "daddy loved you too" she cooed through tears before ash lead her away "may our souls meet again"

Blame the songs I've been listening to ok also he died from a car crash while going to work.

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