
103 3 17

Modern Au

Not an x reader they are all just friends 

Y/n laughed running with shorter in the cart, he had his legs flailing out of the sides cart he had awkwardly been pushed in. "Y/n?! What the hell" he laughed as she almost ran into a store isle. She laughed slowing the cart before placing her hands on her knees "that was funny" she laughed as she waited shorter struggle to get out. 

Eiji and ash followed behind them with amused expressions, "you guys are such children" ash tisked lightly hitting the side of her head. Y/n rolled her eyes pulling a chunk of silly string from her hair "and who was responsible for this when we met up outside the store" 

Ash grinned "that wasn't childish it was mandatory" y/n scoffed before looking behind ash and eiji. "Where's yut lung and sing?"  Eiji pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yut lung ran to the hair product section and sing went to go look at pet supplies" 

Ash leaned down whispering in y/n's ear "he wants a Halloween costume for his hamster" y/n held in her laugh shorter finally got himself out of the cart giving a half hearted glare at y/n "that was not funny" he said looking very unserious 

Y/n and shorter stared at each other before laughing again, eiji smacked them with a loaf of bread "shut up we're going to get kicked out, I can't be banned from another target because of you two" 

The two of them smiled sheepishly, ash looked down at eiji "okay big brother" he mocked as shorter and y/n turned away to hide their faces. Eiji spluttered insults as they went to go find their two missing friends 

"Sing song!" Y/n called already fed up with looking for the angry little boy who constantly made their friend group look for him. The sound of sing shouting caught there attention and they quickly followed the sound to the hair isle. 

Yut lung was on top of a lady trying to grab a product from her hand, sing was grabbing him by the leg trying to pull him off of her. Shorter brought his phone up in front of him as ash watched from behind him 

"Make sure to zoom in a bit I want to see the ladies expressions" ash instructed as shorter nodded in agreement. "Get your fucking friend bitch" a lady who y/n assumed to be the girl on the grounds friend yelled. Eiji was also in the mix trying to diffuse the situation. 

Y/n stared at her with a deadpan expression "he don't bite" the lady on the ground craned her neck to look at y/n her face red "YES HE DO" 

Y/n laughed falling onto the floor clutching her stomach "yue you bit her?!" Yut lung was too occupied to answer as he snatched the bottle of conditioner. A target employee emerged from a nearby isle before turning to look at y/n. Y/n stopped laughing "oh shit" they pointed at her "your banned from here. Out." 



They all stood in a line outside of a Walmart, as eiji scolded them. "If you guys don't behave god so help me I'm flying back to Japan becoming a samari and slaying all of you" yut lung lifted a brow "all of you except yut lung" 

Yut lung smiled smugly, sing deadpanned "I didn't even do anything this is all his fault" sing replied pointing at yut lung who looked at the ingredients on the back of his conditioner bottle. 

Yut lung scoffed "sorry but my hair needs to be silky, so sorry your masculinity prevents you from using more than three in one shampoo" he shot back. Shorter was laughing pointing at sing who blushed from embarrassment 

"At least I don't act like a girl" y/n held a hand to her heart "hey what's wrong with being a girl" before another argument could break out eiji yelled at them "just stop it" he started ranting in Japanese 

Shorter bit his lip before letting his impulse thoughts win "Yamate kudasai uhhh" that had the whole group erupting in laughter as eiji's eye twitched 

"Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo"  Ash added making the group just get louder as parents moved their kids away from the group of teens. Eiji threw his hands up "I give up. 

They finally made it to their  destination, Halloween costumes. "Let's all match costumes this year" sing shook his head "last time you said that we all went as bloody tampons" 

They all cringed at the memory, y/n shrugged "it was funny" they all decided that they would march and they would all be sponge bob characters. 

Yut lung and y/n were currently arguing who should be sexy Patrick. Eiji sighed "please stop fighting I have grey hairs and Asians aren't supposed to raisin" 

Y/n sighed "finneee I'll be sexy squidward" shorter laughed "why did we chose this theme?" Ash pointed to the Walmart selection of costumes which were all very questionable "this selection was selected in Ohio" 

Sing stood off to the side "why am I even here" 

Idk something random 🧍‍♀️

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