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• He hates classical music like loathes it
• teaching you how to use a gun is one of his favorite date night's
• he has a pretty singing voice
• he loves it when you smile or laugh he thinks its cute
• acts like he doesn't like your teasing but thinks its adorable
• He won't let you eat anything that has pumpkin in it
• he also loves library dates
• he can ride a skateboard
• he loves the moon and stars they comfort him


he has tinder
• he loves showing you off and showers you with complements
• he's not good at planning dates
• he blasts music at 3am
• he tries but he can't sing
• he makes every meal
• he got a tattoo of your name
• Nadia slapped him for making a sexual joke


• he learned how to knit and made everyone socks
• loves cafe dates he will buy you whatever you want and loves giving you little gifts
• He loves cuddling
• he takes you to shrines
• he bought a secret cook book and tries to surprise you with American food
• he watches anime with you
• falls asleep first during movies
• he thinks coffee is too strong and bitter


he can't cook but went to Nadia asking for help
• he snores but its cute
• he hits you softly and that's his subtle way of showing affection
• he used to do origami but got embarrassed and stopped
• he likes spring
• he loves strawberry flavored things
• has a sweet tooth but won't admit it
• loves dogs and hamsters
• he has a comfort blanket
• also loves chocolate but hates white chocolate

Yut lung:

• he loves it when you make tea for him or other little things
• he had his maid teach him how to make your favorite things
• loves it when you do his hair or play with it
• likes laying his head on your lap while you read to him
• secretly loves cats
• he can play a violin but hates it because he was forced to
• he likes dressing you up or doing your makeup
• sometimes he will come to you with a brush and ask you to brush his or if he can brush yours
• gets jealous really easily even if someone just looks at you and he will pout and complain about it later


• he can't cook but surprisingly can bake
• he loves champagne
• he takes you on vacations
• his hand is bigger than your head
• takes you on fancy restaurant dates and splits the bill
• dispite being built like a fridge he gives bear hugs


also can't cook
• he's pretty cheap
• his favorite movie is ET
• hates coffee too but for no particular reason
• he lives with you and is messy
• often walks with his arm over your shoulder

So here are some of my random headcannons hope you enjoyed

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