Ash x reader

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Thanks to my amazing bestie @reversecupid_ I finally had inspiration for this one shot sorry @user48476961 for the very long wait and thanks for being so patient. 

Y/n looked out the window vacantly watching as raindrops rolled down the window blurring her Vision to the outside world while she shifted away from the women sitting besides her in the backseat of their limousine. 

Her manicured hand ran through her h/l h/c hair condescendingly, her diamond bracelet clinking with each movement from her wrist. Y/n looked over to her, her head still resting in her hand that was settled on the windowsill. 

The women stared down at her with cruel grey eyes, as her blood red lips quirked down into a scowl, her red acrylics scratched at y/n scalp as she pulled at the younger girls hair. 

"Don't look at me like that" she sneered releasing the clump of hair she had taken into her olive hand. y/n watched her ignoring the faint throb in her head.

Y/n turned back to the window biting her lip, the faint taste of iron filled her mouth as she swiped her tongue over the area she bit. 

The older women tapped her thigh waiting for y/n to turn her attention back to her "we're almost here, angel" she smiled cupping y/n's face in her hand as her jaw length black hair swayed with the movement. 

Y/n resisted the urge to pull back from the toxic touch as the women leaned in placing a kiss on her lips. Lezabel  pulled back rubbing her thumb over y/n's pale lips. 


"I'll be back once the meeting is over, such a pity I can't bring you along with me, I will most definitely need a stress reliever when I come back" she cooed as the limousine rounded a corner pulling into the driveway of a mansion. 

Y/n felt herself freeze as she took in the familiar surroundings, her heartbeat quickened as she gulped in a lungful of fresh air. The driver slid out of the car opening an umbrella to Lezabel who opened the car door and stood under it gesturing for y/n to follow

"Come along now, don't be coy" her sharp voice echoing through y/n's head. She pulled down the baby pink she was dressed in and followed besides the women and her driver as she pressed the door bell. 

The murky grey sky lit up, with thunder following quickly making y/n jump. Lezabel Laughed "poor thing is scared of thunder" she mocked as she was let into the house. Her heels tapped on the floor confidently as she followed Dino's subordinate. 

Y/n held her breath, as the office was opened, "Lezabel always good to see you, I see you've brought y/n with you, bored of her?" He laughed as she took a seat.

 The women cackled "of course not gozline" she pulled y/n into her lap grabbing her chin "I could never get bored of my y/n, isn't that right angel" Y/n bit her lip "yes" she whispered 

watching as the two adults laughed at her displeasure. A flash of golden hair darted from the doorway and y/n felt herself calm. She released a long breath receding into herself blocking the conversation they were having.

Her stomach churned the longer she stayed on the older woman's lap as she stroked her leg. The conversation shifted and suddenly gray eyes were boring into her skin. "I'll see you in a week, angel" she slid y/n off her lap giving her a light tap "be good" she winked

She strode out of the room her chauffeur in tow. When the door shut Dino turned over to her. "Did you enjoy your time?" He asked slyly flicking a pen that sat on his desk. Y/n wiped her hands on her dress "yes papa" 

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