Shorter x reader

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Shorter drove over to y/n's house to pick her up for his valentines day date.

He turned off his motorcycle
Walked over to her door and kocked

When the door opened with a slight creak y/n jumped out the house and clung to him

"Shorterr" she said wrapping her legs around his torso and Wapping her arms around his neck.

Shorter chuckles and looked at her as she giggled "ready for our date babe?" He asked and then she nodded letting him go and he held her making sure that she gently landed on the ground.

"Let's goo" she said grabbing his hand and Shorter chuckled getting on the bike and y/n got behind him and wrapped her arms around his stomach.

The bike started up and shorter took off his helmet and turned around settling it on y/n's head tapping it lightly.

"Safety first babe" he said jokingly and y/n raises an eyebrow "then where is your helmet my love?"

Shorter put his finger to his lips "shhh," y/n was about to complain but shorter started moving slowly making her let out a startled squeak and wrap her arms back around him.

He laughed and took off towards their destination and y/n smiled laying her head on Shorter's back watching as things went by.

They pulled up to their date spot and y/n bounced up and down "I am so excitedd" she said and shorter laughed booping her nose making it scrunch up.

"Your adorable" he cooed walking next to her and putting his arm in her shoulder and walking towards the entrance of the amusement park.

Y/n smiled at him trying to reach up to place a kiss on his lips and Shorter watched amused trying to keep himself from laughing

"Shorter come down here you oppma loompa" he laughed and bent down letting her kiss him before she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the park after they paid.

Shorter laughed as she looked around like a kid in a candy store "what should we do first?" Y/n asked and shorter smiled "babe there's only roller coasters here so the question is which one to get on first?"

Y/n thought for a moment and then smiled "let's just do what's closest to us and then work out way around"

Shorter nodded and the two of them got in line and y/n and shorter joked around and finally it was there turn.

They sat next to each other and y/n giggled and looked over at shorter "you ready babe" he chuckled at her and nodded.

"Or course" he took off his glasses hooking them to his shirt and y/n laughed "babe you know this one has loops right?"

He stopped and laughed "oh shit" then he smirked and y/n gave him a questioning look.

"Thanks for holding this" he said as he put them in her Bra. Y/n blushed and reached over and smacked him lightly.

"Shorter I could have done that myself if you just asked" he smiled at her and winked "I Know"

The ride started and the went up the tracks as it clicked before it stopped. You could see the whole park from up there.

"Oh cool-OH SHIT" Y/n yelled as it fell forwards zig zagging on the green tracks and weren't around a loop.

Peoples screams could be heard and Shorter was screaming while trying to laugh at y/n's expression her doing the same

The ride finally came to a stop and
Shorter's and y/n's hair were a mess and they laughed at each other

When they got up y/n laughed "my legs feel like Jell-O" she said shaking them out and shorter laughed "now where have I heard that one before?"

Y/n blushed again and hit him "you are such a perv" she grabbed the glasses and handed them back to him and he smirked putting them on and put his arm back on her shoulder

"Never washing them not even going to wipe em" he said jokingly and y/n laughed.

The two of them went on rides when shorter saw a food truck "let's go get food" y/n nodded happy they her feet would get a Short break from all this walking

"What do you want to eat babe" he asked after he ordered "just get me a hot dog please" she said and then he laughed

"Shorter" y/n said warningly and he ignored her "if you wanted a hot dog babe you could have just asked me.

"SHORTER" Y/n yelled embarrassed for the 100th time today "love you though" he laughed and then she smiled "love you too you over grown pineapple"

"No more hanging out with ash"

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