Yut lung x reader (Pt 1)

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"Ouch! Stop tugging like that you barbaric women!" Yut lung complained turning around to give the h/c haired women a scolding glare which was filled with more annoyance than necessary. 

Y/n rolled her eyes with a snort continuing to intricately lace his strands of hair together "shh..stop fussing I'm just braiding your hair" y/n said feeling the silky strands wrap around her gentle hands

Yut lung settled back into his position on the couch his back turned to her as he sighed thankfully not from annoyance this time. "So you do know how to do hair and just decide to annoy me to the brink of strangling you?" He jested and y/n have him a side eye even though he couldn't see

"Yes, now be quiet I'm trying to concentrate" y/n murmured and he listened enjoying the way she worked his hair into a pretty hairstyle while still being gentle..well for the most part at least. "Your hair is really soft after you wash it" she complimented wrapping a small black rubber band at the end of his hair pinning it in place 

Y/n admired her look picking up a hand mirror and showing the inpatient lee. His eyes slightly widened in surprise he didn't expect it to come out as well as it did but he quickly masked it with indifference

"You did alright I guess" he muttered standing from couch and y/n smiled triumphantly knowing that he liked the hairstyle even though he would never admit it out loud. "Why do you have to go out to dinner with your brothers again?" Y/n asked stepping into their room 

Yut lung looked up from his vanity where he was applying makeup his eyes softening before turning distant "you know why" y/n walked over wrapping her arms around him resting her head on his shoulder "we could always leave New York start a new life" 

Yut lung shook his head reaching up and patting her head softly "I can't" y/n nodded expecting that answer and stood up with a sigh "I'll make you a cup of tea before you go" yut lung raised an eyebrow "you know how to make tea?"

Y/n paused and felt a small blush coat her cheeks "well..I mean how hard can it be?" She said with a nervous chuckle and yut lung gave her a small nod silently praying it wouldn't taste terrible 

She quickly came back with a cup of tea and handed it to him smiling expectantly as he took a sip. He slowly set it onto his vanity and cleared his throat

 "it tastes-" y/n felt herself deflate and it must have shown on her face because he changed his response "it tastes like you tried,  I'll drink it . Good attempt" he said and y/n laughed placing a small kiss on his cheek

"Don't I'll ask the maids to bring you a cup, thanks for being considerate" y/n thanked and he gave her a small grateful smile as he internally breathed a sigh of relief the tea was well horrible. 

"I must be off, how about we have some tea together when I return?" He asked grabbing her hand running a thumb over her knuckle reassuringly and y/n nodded grasping his hand in both of hers giving it a reassuring squeeze "see you when you get back, be careful" 

He nodded "I will, don't open the door for no one but sing or me, and if they come through the door-" y/n cut off his worrying with a wave of her s/c hand  "the gun is in the kitchen drawer and shoot them I know love, now go and hurry back" Nodding he left the house as y/n flopped on the couch "he's adorable~" 

Yue = cutest character in banana fish

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