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His blood was all over my hands, I stood there for a solid 5 minutes before realizing what I had done. "I- I... what d- did I do" I stared at the lifeless body right in front of me. 'What the fuck is wrong with me....' I thought to myself.

I could hear a couple of drunk dudes about a block away, before doing anything I got to cleaning. Picking up his lifeless body and cleaning the area where he laid then ran. There was a forest nearby with a ton of wild animals so I went there and placed his body, taking my knife out and throwing it into a river. I still couldn't believe I killed someone. It was so wrong but it felt so right at the same time. I started to walk away then stopped and looked back to notice that there were already a couple of wild animals preying on the body. I felt a little guilty but he shouldn't have tried anything with Naruto.


The next day


Naruto came to school the next day but looked sad. I overheard Kiba ask him about it.

"Naruto what's wrong?"

"My friend.. Yunko, I haven't seen him at all this morning. He was supposed to walk with me to school.." he said disappointed.

I looked at the ground, seeing Naruto like this made me feel guilty for killing him.  The whole day I could sense that yunko not being there hurt Naruto, I wanted to do something that might cheer him up. So as soon as everyone started packing to meet their teachers I ran over to naruto.

"Naruto, would you like to walk with me?" I asked him, he turned around and smiled. Then yelled "REALLY?", it surprised me how happy he seemed. "Uh, yea.." I said trying my best to stop myself from blushing.  He made me feel this weird feeling. I couldn't explain it, at first it weirded me out but I started to like it. Do...do I like Naruto...? No, I can't im not gay.

While we were walking down I noticed naruto becoming a bit uneasy, "Naru, are you okay?".


No matter how hard I tried I couldn't forget about my kiss with Sasuke. He asked me to walk with him and I already made a fool of myself when I got way too excited, I hope I don't embarrass myself again.

We were walking down my path home when I suddenly noticed the scenery, cherry blossoms with petals falling in the bright sun. I remembered all the anime's I've watched with this exact scenery. I felt my face turn red as I thought of my kiss with Sasuke, what if it had taken place here?!? "Naru, are you okay?" 'NARU! HE JUST CALLED ME NARU!?'. I started coughing from all the embarrassment I felt. "Ah shit, I did it again!"

"Did what? Naruto, what did you do again?" he spoke softly, "Sasuke.."

"Yes?" he answered still speaking softly

"Nevermind forget it" I looked at him and smiled. He just looked at me and said "okay", some part of me wanted him to question it but I pushed the feeling aside. 

We continued our walk until then left our separate ways after I went inside my apartment. running to the window I looked outside watching Sasuke leave. He looked so peaceful... I still couldnt graspe the fact that I went from hating him to blushing whenever I see or hear him? I still cant tell if its love though.. choji said it was but im not so sure.


I wonder why he got like that all of a sudden, did I do something? After he entered his apartment I started walking to my house. It wasn't far from Naruto's, just 2 blocks away which I found pretty cool. It wasn't hard to notice that he was watching me leave I didnt mind though, I actually found it cute. 

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