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"K- Karin...? Where are we?" Naruto mumbled as he awoke in a dark room. "Dont worry about it. I need you to be quiet though." the red-head responded.

Naruto tried to nod in agreement but he couldn't, then he remembered his so-called boyfriend put him under a justu.

"I can tell you're struggling but please shut up, I can't have us being caught. Sasuke would kill me if I ruin his plans." she pleaded, Naruto could only speak but he refused to speak out.

While the red-head continued to worry Naruto began building his chakra, as much as the Uchiha loved Naruto he always underestimated the blonde's capabilities. Naruto grew his chakra and broke the justu but he stayed quiet, he knew his impulsivity would be the end of him so he controlled himself as much as he could. Moments later he knocked Karin out, not with any justu but with a simple kick to the head.

The red-head fell back causing her to reveal the exit to the outside. Naruto took his opportunity and ran.

He ran and ran from the grassy land, but the feelings of his victory would soon disappear.

— —

Naruto ran to the entrance of his town, he felt himself lose strength as his eyes dashed across the broken town. "What the hell has he done...?"

The blonde walked around, the sheer excitement he felt was deeply broken, then he saw his friend, Kiba, who was injured. Naruto ran towards the boy, "Oh my god! Kiba what happened?!". The brown-eyed boy looked into the eyes of the blonde and began to cry. "Naruto I thought you were dead!"

Naruto frowned at the words, "Why? Also your not answering my question." Kiba pulled Naruto in for a hug then began to explain.

"I'm really sorry Naruto, I know how much you love him."

"It's okay, if he truly loved me he wouldn't have done this..." Naruto tried to hide the misery he felt but his eyes couldn't, he began to sob. "Why! Why must he do this?" he mumbled. Kiba couldn't think of anything to do but comfort the boy.

"Naruto, I get that you're heartbroken but the village needs your help. You are the only one he'll listen to.... Please help us stop him!" the brunette finally spoke. Naruto weakly smiled then said, "Don't worry! I'll make this right dattebayo!!" he cheerfully yelled.

— —

On the second day of the war, Naruto helped the shinobi of the town and began to conduct a plan.

What was his plan exactly? Take out the Uchiha's reinforcement, confront the bastard and finally take him down.

"Naruto! Hurry we need to do it now!" one of the shinobi yelled. Naruto looked up from the dirty floor and nodded. "Let's go then."

The blonde made his way to the front of the line and began to lead. He split people into teams, he put himself with Sakura and Yamato. They began to sprint while other teams took on their obstacles. "I never thought id fight the man I love," he thought.

"Is this really where he is?" Naruto questioned.

"Yeah, from what we heard. Who'd think he'd come back to this place..." Sakura responded. The place, Sasuke's old home, well the one he had before his family died.

As they were about to enter the building 2 men came out, "Now what the hell do you think you are doing here?!" one yelled. "It's not your business." sakura scowled. The men charged at the trio, Yamato and Sakura both convinced naruto to go ahead. Naruto was hesitant... how could he beat Sasuke, he lost last time, even though he had grown greatly nothing would change the Uchiha was always one step ahead. But soon enough he came to his senses and took the leap of faith. 

He ran inside the manor trying to locate sasuke.

The very last door, he pushed it open.



The two stared in awe, but soon remembered what they were meeting for. "Sasuke, how could you do this? You said you wouldn't hurt anyone."

Sasuke groaned impatiently, "I'm sorry Naruto but there are sacrifices I had to make. But look where I'm at, I am finally getting revenge for my family!"

"Yes! But at what cost? You lost the people who believed in you, you lost friends... you're losing me..."

The uchiha stared, shocked at the words the boy had spoken. He could care less about anyone's opinion of him... but Naruto... meant too much to him.

"What do you mean I'm losing you? Were in this together, no?" the raven questioned as he began to walk closer to the blonde.

"What you're doing, hurting my friends, hurting my village. That is what's making you lose me! And no, Sasuke I agreed to this because I love you, not because I wanted revenge."

Sasuke looked at the boy in disbelief but what the blonde said next shocked him even more.

"And if you're not willing to give this up... then I'll have to kill you.", Naruto himself couldn't believe what he'd said but he desperately need the Uchiha to stop.

The Uchiha opened his mouth but nothing came out, he took a pause and walked up to the boy.

 "I'm sorry, but I guess you'll just have to kill me."

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