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I was awoken by a stressed Kakashi, "Naruto! Naruto wake up!".

"Sensei, what happened... why do you seem so worried?" I said, sitting up." "Naruto, what happened after you left Sasuke yesterday?!?" he said, almost yelling, "Nothing I said bye and left...why?".

"I'm sorry to tell you this but... Sasuke's nowhere to be found, we think he left the village," he replied, I felt my heartbreak. Not being able to move or speak... All I could do was cry. Did I mean nothing to him.... How could he just leave? Kakashi left the room trying to give me time to process what happened and cry out my feelings.

I touched my lips as the memories from last night came flooding in, his sweet words, his soft lips, and most importantly him. How could he do this to me?


The fifth Hokage, Lady Tsunade, had assigned Shikamaru a mission, which was to find and bring back Sasuke. Of course, Shika had to ask me for help... out of all people.

"Naruto!! You're the one he was closest to though!" Shikamaru complained. "Ughhh, fine!'' I basically yelled in his face. "Good," he said showing off his stupid smirk. I wasn't the only one he was taking which was good. Neji, Choji, and Kiba were also coming, we could tell Lee wanted to come but for his safety, he stayed. Sakura also wanted to come but Shikamaru told her she couldn't, which was good... now she couldn't be all lovey with Sasuke. She was still my friend though, a friend I care a lot for so I promised her I'd bring Sasuke back! Then we were then on our way to retrieve Sasuke!


We chased down the sound squad which took some time, we also ended up inside of this rock thing that stole chakra but thanks to choji we ended up getting out. Choji stayed back to fight Jirobo. Meanwhile, Neji stayed back to fight Kidomaru and Kiba was caught in a bomb while trying to save Akamaru which led him into fighting Sakon and Ukon. Leaving me and Shikamaru, unfortunately this annoying red-haired bitch got in the way, we were about to fight her when some guy with white hair showed up taking the box they had Sasuke in. Shika stayed back to fight her, giving me the chance to go after the white-haired guy.

I went after him, eventually ending up in a grassy landscape. I was fighting him, unfortunately failing when I noticed Sasuke getting out of the box they had him in. He didn't even look my way but instead left, laughing like an asshole. It shocked me... he didn't even care about the fact we risked our lives to save him. I was about to go after him but the white-haired man stopped me. Thankfully Lee showed up allowing me to go after Sasuke while he stayed back to fight the man.


"SASUKE! WHERE ARE YOU GOING? Please...!" I yelled as I chased after him, something about him was different. Eventually, I caught up he stood on a statue and I on another.

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