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"Kiba, can I tell you something?"

"Yeah, anything any time"

"Well... "


"Well...? Naruto, what is it?" Kiba asked, slightly impatient. "Kiba... I'm dating Sasuke. The man you saw with me last time... that was Sasuke". Kiba froze at the sudden news, his eyes widened while he stared at the anxious blonde. Naruto slapped Kiba's head, earning a groan from the boy. "Well don't just stare at me!" he yelled. "Sorry, it's just shocking... I kinda expected it though, ''Kiba responded, rubbing the back of his head. "What... how did you expect it?!?" the blonde questioned.

"I don't know... I guess the tension yall have had. Plus you guys kissed, Sasuke literally enjoyed it but you had to go and ruin the moment for him."


"Well, are you going to tell the others?"

"I don't think I want to, what if they get mad... Sakura still likes Sasuke."

"Naruto you're fucking stupid!"


Kiba roughly placed his hand on Naruto's mouth to shut him up. "Stop screaming dumbass! You'll wake Sai up!" a couple of seconds after that he sighed then took his handoff. "Okay so... Sakura has a thing for Ino..." Naruto stared at Kiba in disbelief, "But Ino likes Sai... Right?" the blonde asked.

"Guess you're not that stupid," Kiba said almost laughing. "Okay so Sakura likes Ino, but Ino likes Sai, and here's the biggest plot twist, Sai likes Shikamaru"

Kiba almost broke Naruto from all the news, meanwhile, Naruto was trying to piece the pieces together.

'Okay so Sakura likes Ino... that explains why she seemed off at the party. Ino was laughing with Sai. And Sai likes Shika which explains why he smiles around him.' He thought completely ignoring the boy in front of him.

"Okay... that makes so much sense."

"No shit," Kiba said, mentally facepalming.


After their small conversation, they decided to sleep. Only a couple of minutes in and Kiba was sound asleep while Naruto was starting to miss his partner. He turned around grabbed the spare pillow and started to cuddle it, imagining it was Sasuke. He fell asleep a couple of minutes later.


I woke up to the bright sun glaring at my face. It annoyed me so I got up to close the curtains... big mistake. Fixing the curtains took all the sleepiness away! It was only 7 in the morning but I could tell it was going to be a bad day. "ARGHHH" I yelled while walking into the bathroom. Since I was already awake there would be no point in laying down. So I decided to take a shower.

The water was just the right temperature... Maybe this day won't be so bad.

After my shower, I walked into the bedroom and noticed Kiba and Sai were already up. They turned around after noticing me and greeted me. I obviously said morning back. A couple of seconds later they smiled and turned back around to play their game.

I decided to make us some breakfast not too long after that... then they let me know. They had already ordered food from the hotel.

The rage I felt in the moment drove me crazy! I had already started! Everything was cooking and they just let me know!?!

I didn't want to get angry in front of them. "Oh, I'll just save it for later than," I told them, trying to keep my cool. We heard someone knock on the door, room service, the older lady gave us our food and left.

The food was alright... my food definitely tastes better though.


Naruto, Kiba, and Sai left their room an hour after eating to meet up with their friends. Sakura had planned on going to a waterfall nearby, she told them the view was breathtaking. They all met up outside the hotel and started walking there, "It's about 10 minutes away, so it's not long" Sakura said trying to hide her excitement, which Ino found herself blushing at.

Sakura led the way making the rest of them look like ducks following their mom.

Naruto's luck decided to take its worst turn at that moment. As he was walking he tripped over multiple times, got hit by a ball flying at an insane speed, bumped into a kid who dropped his ice cream... the mother made naruto buy the child another one, and just when he thought he was safe he walked to a poll.

The others laughed at first but eventually got worried for Naruto. "Naruto-kun, are you okay? You seem to be having a bad day." Hinata asked, touching her fingertips together. "Yeah, Naruto, you're having so much bad luck," Choji said.

"Don't worry guys I'm fine" Naruto reassured everyone. They knew he wasn't but continued their trail, all of them kept their eyes on Naruto trying to stop him from having any more accidents.


"WOW, Sakura-chan, this place is amazing!" Lee yelled as he ran to touch the water.

He wasn't wrong, the view was truly breathtaking, the waterfall had two layers. One at the top, the second at the middle, and at the ground it formed a beautiful pond. It was also surrounded by trees so it was very screative. They all awed in amazement.

They were on the second layer so Sakura told them to be careful. Naruto tried his best, but his luck had other plans. The blonde was able to walk to the middle before taking one wrong step and falling into the rushing water.

"NARUTO! YOU IDIOT!" they yelled in unison, except Sai, Lee, and Hinata.

Luckily he was okay, just soaked. In the end, they decided to get wet.

Naruto's luck was back on track after he fell.

"Wah, this water must be blessed or something, Naruto hasn't fallen again," Choji said, trying his best to not laugh.

"Fuck you!" Naruto yelled playfully. 

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