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Naruto layed awake, Sasuke wasn't by him but in his room planning. Naruto decided to go on a walk. He got up and walked to the door, "Where are you going?" Sasuke asked peeking out from his room. "Just on a walk", he responded giving a weak smile. "Oh okay, have fun."

Sasuke watched as Naruto put his shoes on and left. "I'm sorry Naruto, I never meant to hurt you this badly," he mumbled as he walked back into his room.

It was true Sasuke didn't want to hurt him, he even questioned if destroying Konoha was the right thing to do.

Naruto walked out of the small house, the fresh air was like a blessing. Something to clear his cloudy mind.

He began to walk, there was a trail made of rocks. "Where even am I?" he eventually made his way to a field, one with a ton of roses .... Leading up to a small platform. Without knowing a smile crept onto his face as he thought of the one he'd seen before meeting Sasuke.

"This looks really familiar..." he followed the flowers and walked onto the platform. The blonde looked into the distance noticing the house he'd been taken to.

"What is Sasuke thinking? I don't want to hurt my village... but I dont want to hurt him either." the blonde thought of all the times he'd told himself he would do anything for the Uchiha.

"He'd do anything for me..." Naruto layed on the platform staring at the dark sky. "He's doing this for his brother... his only family. I should help him. It's the right thing to do..." Naruto said out loud, he suddenly realized everything he was thinking had been said out loud.

He heard a chuckle from behind him. The blonde turned ready to fight whoever was there. He calmed down after seeing the Uchiha he was talking about.

"Naruto if you don't want to do this you don't have to." Naruto felt a spark in his heart, he'd been hoping the Uchiha would say this.

"I'm sorry I made you feel bad, it's just Itachi meant a lot to me, and finding out he didn't kill my family just because hurt... a lot. I killed my brother, I dont think I'll ever get over that."

Naruto watched Sasuke fighting the urge to cry. This was the first time Sasuke had fully opened up.

"I don't want to kill the people from Konoha... I want to get my revenge on the fucked up system. You don't have to help, and if you want to leave you can." with these words Naruto knew his answer. He ran to the older male and pulled him into a hug.

"Sasuke... If it really means that much to you, I'll help. There's nothing I'd choose over you. Well, maybe my friends but I chose you in this situation. I'll help... no killing though!"

Sasuke tried his best to hold back all the emotions in him, all the sorrow he felt towards his late brother, how thankful he was for Naruto's presence. He couldnt hold it in and broke down. The raven pulled Naruto in closer and kissed him. "Even if you said no there's nothing that would change how much I love you! But thanks Naruto... thank you for always being there."

Naruto felt like crying but he didn't he was enjoying the moment too much.

All this led them back home and to a passionate night.

— —

Naruto woke up to the sun shining high and bright. The world always loved having them together. Naruto made the choice one he knew he wouldn't regret. 

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