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Naruto woke up early in the morning, he felt uneasy when he went to sleep and uneasy when he woke up, he couldn't explain why but it really bothered him.

Naruto sat up and looked to his side, Sasuke was sleeping peacefully. "Does he not feel uneasy... how can he sleep so calmly." he thought. Naruto pushed the feeling aside and tried to go back to sleep but every time he closed his eyes the feeling came back stronger than before. In the end, he decided to just wake up and start his day. He went to go shower.

When the blonde had come back he noticed Sasuke was in their small kitchen cooking some food. "Sasuke! what did you make?" he yelled then ran up to the older. "Hey Naru, I made omelets." the older replied then placed the plates on the table. "OO IT LOOKS GREAT!". Sasuke chuckled then took a seat, "Then try it".

Sasuke waited for Naruto to take a seat and as soon as the younger started eating he said, "You can try the dessert tonight...". Naruto looked up to see Sasuke smirking then went bright red. "TEME! WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT WHILE I'M EATING!?!", "Aww is my Naru embarrassed?? You dont seem embarrassed when you're taking me whole" Sasuke teased. Naruto wanted to say something but gave up and continued eating. The Uchiha smirked then started eating.

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2 hours later

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The boys were invited to the park led by the sauna after. They agreed and planned on meeting up with them in 30 minutes.

The time went by quickly and they left the hotel. Naruto still felt uneasy by something, he still couldn't figure out what was causing it. Sasuke took notice of it, Naruto sucked at hiding things. So he made sure to stay by Naruto's side, he didn't want to risk anything happing to his lover.

Sasuke and Naruto finally made it, all of their friends standing there... well Ino and Sakura weren't there yet. There was a loud silence, it wasnt uncomfortable though. Lee broke the silence when he foolishly asked, "Sooo Shikamaru... what did you and Sai do?". Shikamaru and Sai both kept cool then Shikamaru answered, "We watched a movie, not everyone fucks as soon as they start dating." Sai and Shikamaru looked over at Naruto and Sasuke.

"WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME?? I DIDN'T SLEEP WITH SASUKE AS SOON AS WE STARTED DATING!!" the blonde yelled ready to throw hands. Sasuke nodded then said, "Yeah. We fucked before we started dating." Naruto grew bright red then turned to Sasuke, giving him the biggest glare before yelling, "SASUKE! I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!" Naruto hit Sasuke in the head completely catching the raven off guard.

Naruto would've beat his ass if it wasnt for Ino and Sakura running towards them. "Sorry it took so long INO-PIG lost her way!" Ino rolled her eyes then spoke out, "Let's just go before I fight Sakura!" Ino and Sakura glared at each other. Everyone ignored them, it was normal at this point.

All of them walked towards the park, Naruto kept an eye for anything suspicious while Sasuke observed him carefully.

— —

They arrived at the park immediately being greeted by multiple little kids. "Come play with us!!" a little girl shouted trying to drag Ino with her. "Uh, okay" she replied, then was dragged off.

The kids asked others and surprisingly they all agreed, they were just planning on hanging out so they didn't mind going with the kids. Naruto was asked but politely declined and instead forced choji to take his place.

The blonde looked around for Sasuke and spotted him by a child. "That teme actually agreed to play with a kid?" he thought.

Naruto ended up walking to Sasuke but stopped as he saw a brunette approaching him. He quickly got to the nearest place he could, watching the girl interact with his lover.

"Hi! Thanks for playing with my sister!" she spoke, Naruto watched Sasuke closely, he knew Sasuke would never betray him. "Uh, you're welcome." Sasuke respond, "What's your name? I'm Rin, Tohsaka Rin!" the girl blurted out.

She was really starting to piss Naruto off just then Sasuke responded, "Sasuke... you dont need to know my last name."

The girl blankly starred but said it was okay. "Rin" stood up and started walking away, dragging Sasuke along. Sasuke clearly didn't want to go but
Rin forced him to.

Naruto continued to trail behind them, Rin had made multiple jokes implying they should go out but the thing that really blew it was Rin trying to kiss Sasuke.

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